2. The Gem Merchant

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"Too late for that; he's already here," I whispered as the ballroom doors swung open once again. We quickly moved aside, ensuring we wouldn't block the aisle, intending to return to our tables after they entered. Hafsa's husband, Adil, walked in with confidence, clad in a beautiful cream-colored kurta, his face positively beaming.

"Damn, he is good-looking," I overheard Marha say.

"Dude, that's our cousin's husband," I reminded her.

"Eww, not him. I mean Adil nana is fine, but I'm talking about the guy behind him."

"Well, I'll be damned," I thought to myself. If it wasn't Mr. 'I am too posh to talk' walking next to Adil. "I wonder who he is," Asia pondered aloud. "Adil doesn't have any brothers as far as I know.

"Maybe it's a cousin," Arwa suggested.

"Or maybe it's a friend," Marha chimed in.

"He looks a little older to be a friend, though," she continued.

As we speculated, Adil reached the throne. His mother was holding a beautiful green velvet box. He tenderly removed Hafsa's veil, but she remained determined to keep her gaze fixed on the floor.

He reached for the box his mother was holding and extracted a beautiful gold necklace from it. Proceeding to adorn her neck with it, once the clasp connected, he gently lifted her chin and planted a kiss on her forehead.

Hafsa gracefully rose from her seat, as to make room for Adil. She exchanged a warm glance with her husband. As they nestled together, their smiles radiated towards the lively crowd, brimming with an infectious joy that captivated the room.

Once they had settled down the mystery man flashed a smile and whispered something into Adil's ear. Adil nodded in response. As the man descended the steps leading to the throne, passing by us, I caught a whiff of the blue de Chanel that had enveloped me at the reception table earlier. To our surprise, he turned around and gave me a nod before making his way towards the men's side of the hall, joining a table occupied by several other men.

"Girl", Marha squealed. "Do you know him?"

"No, I don't," I said, flabbergasted.

As we returned to our table, I recounted to them what had transpired when I went to fetch the bathroom key.

"Oh no, the bathroom key," I gasped, a sinking feeling settling in my stomach. "It's still with me," I said, pulling it out of my jewel-encrusted clutch.

"I need to return this. It's an Amanah," I explained, getting up from my seat.

"Well, hurry up, dear," Asia urged, gesturing towards the bustling activity. "They've started to serve dinner." She was right. Waiters and waitresses had arrived, carrying trays of the entree.

I nodded and hurried to the doors, running towards the reception table. The lady behind it seemed a little grouchy. "You guys were in there a while," she said, her tone slightly impatient.

"Oh no, ma'am, I'm really sorry. I completely forgot to return it," I apologized as she took the key from me. Offering another apology, I hurried back to the hall.

However, in my haste, the top piece of my high heel caught onto the border of my saree, and I stumbled headfirst into somebody. "I'm really, really sorry," I blurted out, feeling my face flush crimson with embarrassment. Looking up, I realized it was him. He looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed with worry.

"I'm okay, thanks," I said, trying to regain my composure.

"I didn't ask," he said, his tone slightly amused.

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