﴿‏﴾real experiences﴿‏﴾

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A/N: So i have read many experiences of people online, so i decided to make this chapter gathering them. I actually feel a lot better knowing He may be real than thinking i am going insane. You are not alone in this. You are not mad.

1) Childhood experience - by deleted user

This happened at about the time I was four or five. Like any other little kid I would get scared of most things, but this one time scared me more than any other.

After a normal day in the life of a kindergartner, I went to sleep at about ten o'clock or so. Half the time I either forget my dreams or just don't dream at all. Tonight was not one of those nights.

After drifting off to sleep I begin a very weird dream. I see myself walking down a long, narrow, dark corridor, light only coming from a door at the very end. I slowly walk through the hallway to the room, which is very bright, the entire room seeming to be covered in white. I walk into the room, but there's nothing to explore in there.

As I'm about done looking at this room, I turn around back to the door to get in the corridor again, where this time there's a man standing there. I just see his long, black, business suit, and I start looking up closely. 'Okay, red tie...' I think to myself. I eventually look at his face.

There is no face.

I am looking at a white orb with a neck wearing a business suit, standing almost eight feet tall. Like any normal kid my age, I scream.

The scream rips me away from the dream into real life. I'm sweating and my heart is racing. I look towards the clock to read '12:57 AM'. My dad opens the door to my room, and when he comes in he asks what's wrong. Apparently, on my dad's recalling, he claims I said, "Tall Stick Man".

2) He's watched me my entire life- by WalkingLeaf22

Throughout my life I have had 3 experiences with the entity that I have come to call "The Shadow Man."

He lurks in my nightmares and is always in the back of my mind when I am in the dark. My first experience was when I was 8. I have always been a poor sleeper and this night was no different. Around 2 in the morning I realized that I needed to go to the bathroom. I slipped out of my bed and tip toed to the washroom, hoping not to wake anyone as I passed by their doors. When I reached the bathroom I was confronted by a tall figure shrouded by darkness. I was shocked but I could not seem to utter a single noise. I just stood there. The figure was clearly that of a man but no features were distinguishable. He reached out his hand and with a long, slender finger he began to beckon me towards him. I could not move. I tried to see if I could recognize a face. Maybe it was my father up for a late night whizz. The figure said nothing. It only beckoned. After some time I worked up the nerve to turn on the light. With the flip of a switch, the figure was gone. I remember fleeing to my parent's room, crying that I had seen a monster, only to be hushed and told that the dark was playing tricks on me. Maybe it was?

Four years later, we visited my great uncle's farm. It was no longer a functional farm but my brother and I used to like to go and play in the old hay loft and search for the skeletons of long dead cats. A morbid hobby maybe but it certainly seemed fun at the time. After a long day of playing in the hay loft we were getting ready to leave. It was late afternoon and my parents were eager to get home for supper. As we were leaving I looked back at the barn. In the highest window, at the top of the old building, I could make out the figure of a man. No discernible features, just the shadowy figure. I felt like he was looking directly at me. There was movement. He was beckoning. Fear slithered up my spine. I knew that for a person to be standing in front of that window there would need to be a surface for them to stand on. I knew the ins and outs of that barn and I knew there was no floor in front of that window. Whoever it was had to have been hovering there on thin air. I kept this to myself. I knew my parents would not believe me and I was not sure if I believed it myself.

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