chapter one. a healthy baby boy

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SWEAT GLISTENEND ON DELANEY NEWTON'S CHEST, the date was seventh of February 2002, a week before her twenty first birthday and she was about to give birth to her son, her first child with the love of her life at her side, holding her hand and lett...

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SWEAT GLISTENEND ON DELANEY NEWTON'S CHEST, the date was seventh of February 2002, a week before her twenty first birthday and she was about to give birth to her son, her first child with the love of her life at her side, holding her hand and letting her use him to help with the pain. Everyone who knew them told Delaney and Spencer to get rid of the child before it was born but they were young and in love, they were blinded by the future they would have with their daughter or son. Although they didn't plan for a child, it was a happy accident.

Two days before Delaney went into labor, the two were sitting on the roof of her car, staring up at the stars while she ate mac and cheese with ice cream, it was one of her most recent cravings but the one thing was actually craving was a strong cup of coffee but the baby seemed to hate it, she threw up after each attempt before she decided maybe drinking tea would be for the better.

"If they're a girl I want the name Percy and if they're a boy, I'm also thinking Percy." She held her fork out to him, ice cream dripping off the cheesy macaroni as he politely shook his head, his smile never leaving his lips.

"I'm profiling that you really like the name Percy." He joked, a rare thing for him to do but she brought it out of him. From the first moment he had seen her, three years ago at a Target, he knew he would love her, he knew his love for her would change him. They were total opposites, Spencer with his button ups and sweater vests saw Delaney in her bikini top and shorts approaching him, and he couldn't move, too shocked that she even noticed him. The blonde had a toothy grin on her face when she asked him if he knew where they get the sunscreen. She thought he worked there, and he didn't mind showing her around, especially after he found out she was new in town. It wasn't long until he became her tour guide and three years later, they were going to have a child together and she still hadn't told him that she never thought he worked at Target, she just wanted an excuse to talk to him.

"With those skills, the BAU would be lucky to have you." Spencer applied to join the unit when they found out they would be having a baby, and she was lucky to not have to take a break from her job. Her boss allowed her to work from home during most of her pregnancy, she worked as a radio broadcaster which made it a lot easier, she mostly did the weather and sports. They had a set up for her in their closet to work from and up until she couldn't get out of bed she had planned to keep working. 

"Are you sure I should take the job? I don't want you and the baby to be home alone." He watched as she moved closer to him, her head now on his shoulder. She had put her food aside and was now holding onto his arm to shield herself from the harsh winter cold. "We need the money and my boss said I have to take a break. And we won't be alone, we'll have each other." A blonde curl fell onto her forehead when she shifted to meet his eyes.

"I'm just scared to miss his life," He spoke softly, it was something he had always been worried about and never had the guts to say but something about her eyes broke down the wall he had attempted to build up between the two of them. "If something happens while you're not here, I'll tape it and we can watch it over and over again. You're not going to miss anything," She swore and he believed her, always did and always would. 

"Plus, Percy and I are not going anywhere." 

"We're not naming him after the turtle you had in the second grade,"

"Oh, fuck off Mr. Eidetic Memory." She had forgotten she told him about Percy the Turtle, her childhood best friend named after none other than Percy Jackson.

"It's not my eidetic memory, if I didn't have it, I would probably still remember everything you've ever told me." Spencer studied her face for the millionth time, he didn't need to, her face was burned into his mind but he liked looking at her, he loved it actually. Her face was the only thing he ever wanted to look at, the crooked bangs that she had from the day he met her, her icy blue eyes, her perfectly pink lips, he liked how her bottom lip was slightly bigger than the top, he liked her nose, her cheeks, and her chin. It goes without saying that he also loved her smile and all her teeth, all thirty-two of them that made up that perfect smile, he even loved the facial muscles she used to construct that smile. 

All in all, Spencer Walter Reid just loved Delaney Newton. 

"If you keep saying things like that, I might have to propose to you." Her muscles worked to put that perfect smile onto her face. "I love you, Delaney." He returned the smile and she pulled away, groaning in fake pain as she pulled the hair tie from her hair, folding it over twice.

"You made me do this." Her smile slowly faded but it continued to shine from her eyes as she took his hand into her own. "What do you say, baby, wanna get hitched?" She pulled out her best Elvis impersonation and he leaned over, kissing her without saying another word. She opened her mouth and he kissed her deeply, ignoring the taste of mac and cheese with the slight hint of ice cream as he devoured her like she was his last meal. When they pulled away, out of breath, she slipped the hair tie onto his finger.

"I will love you for the rest of our lives, Spencer Reid." She rested her forehead against his and for a moment everything was perfect. 

By the time she was giving birth, they replaced the hair ties with two golden bands, he wore it as she squeezed his hand. He brushed her bangs out of her face, they were stuck to her forehead with the sweat, but the doctors promised she would only have to give one more push and when she did, the sound of crying filled the room.

"You did it, you did it." Spencer repeated when the nurse handed her their newborn baby. "It's a boy." A healthy baby boy, ten fingers, ten toes and two blue eyes staring at them. He stopped crying when he saw them and Spencer was at a loss of words, Delaney wasn't. 

"He looks like a Percy." She smiled and tilted her head up to look at him, he placed a kiss on her forehead, "He looks like a Percy." he repeated. They had a minute before the nurse took him, and Percy, noticing the absence of his parents started crying again. The nurse promised to bring him back after he had been cleaned and she left the room, giving the new parents a moment alone. 

The door barely shut when Spencer kissed her, first on her lips, then her cheeks, her nose, her eyes and even her chin, whispering that he was proud of her and that he loved her between each kiss as he felt her small breaths on his face. When his lips moved back to hers, he noticed she didn't kiss him back. His eyes slowly opened, and he looked into hers, they were still. Too still. He moved his hand up from where it rested on her stomach, stroking his thumb over her cheek, and it took him a moment to realize he had stained her face with blood. For one stupid second he wondered where he had cut himself, but it didn't hurt and that was when he realized he could no longer feel her breath on his face.

He screamed for help, her blood now all over her face and her neck as he tried waking her up. His screams didn't stop when the doctors ran into the room and they didn't stop when they forced him out of the it and deep down, Spencer Reid was always screaming. Even as he held his son for the first time, he felt his soul screaming. He rested his head on his mother's shoulder, and he pitied the sleeping boy in his arms. He would never again know the embrace of a mother and he would never know Delaney Newton. 

Percy Declan Newton-Reid would never know his mother.

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