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Mashle is so damn interesting what the hell. I like the plot^^

The plot: Lance, Rayne, Orter, Carpaccio, Kaldo



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Waiting to be sorted into my dorm looked way more fun in Harry Potter than real life.

There are three dorms that we can end up in; Alder, Orca, or Lang

Alder sounds cool like Irene Adler-

"(Name) (Last name)." I got called and I went over to the unicorn that sorts our dorms

I touched it and now waited for my verdict

'Not gonna lie.. Irene Adler is pretty.. hell am I gay for her.. I want her to tie me up and- anyways how the hell cant I dispel spells if Im this powerful.. this skeleton unicorn better hurry the fuck up. I need to find Rayne.'

"... I see that you like.." the unicorn was.. flabbergasted by my wild thoughts

"Very much." I nodded

"Welcome to the Adler dorm."

I like this thing. Were friends now.


"Today, you will all learn how to dispel a magic lock." My professor stood infront of the class and showed us how to open up one of those advanced magic locks

"Dispel." He pointed the wand to the magic lock and it disappeared

Now it was the class' turn...

'Okay.. its just another dispel spell I need to do.'

"Dispel." I pointed my wand to the magic lock and...

It didnt open.


"Dispel." I did it again.. it did not open still

I took in a sigh and held on tightly to the lock. Looking down at it with a terrifying smile

"I will shred you to pieces if you dont get your shit together."

Oh look! It openned. Im so magical~

"That will not do, (Name)." My professor was standing infront of me and he shook his head

"But- I was able to open it?" I did it so why is it wrong-

"You have to use your magic. Threatening it simply wont do."

I sighed and picked up my wand


It did not open.

Ends and then begins~♡ Rayne AmesWhere stories live. Discover now