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"Thank you Neem, I appreciate it," Maya said taking the Ihop bag out of Neem's hands.

All last night Neem had been thinking about her. He actually missed her, so this morning he offered to buy her breakfast so they could eat together.

His eyes were glued to her as he watched her grab some plates and silverware from the drawer, he always analyzed her the most when she didn't notice.

She sat his plate in front of him and took it upon herself to sit next to him.

"You texted me from 6 am. By the time I responded, I thought you wouldn't have brought it no more" Maya spoke, referring to his 6 am text asking if she wanted him to bring breakfast. He knew she was sleeping but he didn't care.

"What you thought I was gonna tell you no?"

"No, but you might've been busy or sumn"

"I'm never busy like that and you know I always make time for you, stop acting new to this" She didn't say anything turning back to her plate.

He liked it when she didn't say anything back, he didn't like all that back-talking she used to do.

"What you feel like doing today?" She shrugged setting down the glass she just took a sip from.

"I don't know but I don't wanna do no shopping"

Before he could respond there was a knock at the door. Maya dropped her fork and went to open the door.

"I know you not just showing up at my house"

Deijah was standing there with her arms folded. You can tell on Maya's face she was very shocked, and upset.

"I should've called first but I really need your help right now, can I sit down?"

"Deijah we're not cool no more I don't-"

"I know but it's important. It will be quick though" Maya sighed looking her up and down

"Just be quick okay?"

Deijah walked through the door and her eyes instantly went over to Neem. She glared at him and then back to Maya.

Fuck she look at me like that for?

"No I wanna speak in private, I didn't know you had company over"

"We could just go in the room-"

"No, ya'll got it, just call me later okay?" He got up, grabbed his stuff, and left.

Neem didn't understand why Maya kept letting people like this continue to come back into her life. Deijah and Jayvion didn't even deserve to be in Maya's presence but yet she still kept giving them the time of day.


"I got evicted Maya" Deijah spoke crying into her hands.

Maya's eyes widened. She wasn't expecting to hear that

"How? You were doing fine a couple of weeks ago?"

"I'm not gonna lie I showed up drunk to work. They found out and fired me" Maya squinted her eyes, Deijah doesn't do shit like that. They had been friends since high school and never would she think Deijah would show up drunk at work.

"Why would you do that? Like that's very stupid"

Drinking before work is crazy.

"I don't know I just didn't feel like going so I thought I could have a little to drink before I went"

"Don't you got a savings? Dig into that while you find a job"

"My savings is gone"

"Your savings is gone? On what?" Maya was very surprised Deijah was never financially this down bad, she's never had to help her out financially before at all so it was very weird she let herself get like this.

"Just some debt I had to pay off"

"You could've paid that off later when you really had it- But anyway, why'd you come to my house?"

"I have nowhere to stay"

Was hoping she wouldn't say that.

"Deijah I only got one bedroom, If I put you on my couch you're gonna be all up in my way"

"No, I won't it will be like I'm not even here. Half the time I'm gonna be out finding a job anyway"

"I just don't know because if you spent all your savings then you got a long way of looking for a job and saving up before you could get out"

"I know I know but you're my only hope. Where else imma go? I've been staying at this hotel but I gotta check out in the morning I don't know what else I'm gonna do."

Maya really wanted to say no but it was something telling her not to.

"I'll help you out but you can't stay here with me. I need my own space"

"So where imma go then?"

"I'll get you a hotel for a month but that's it. If you haven't found a job by then that's on you"

Deijah instantly engulfed Maya in a hug. She didn't want to hug her back but she did. She didn't like the idea of her being homeless when she knew she was able to help her.

"I appreciate it so much, you just don't know.

"Yeah, I'll just send you the money for the nights. Just text me the price later"



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