Ch 2, Peepers are Creepers

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I pick up the documents and I see ... my name! and not my own name but the one I came up with when I was like 12... Marianne Verne. Yeah, I know, I was a big fan of Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Aand I was 12, so not my fault!

But what is it doing here. I mean there are very low chances of this happening. I proceed to read what the document says. It refers to a lease, I think. For... no.11, in this name.

Let's sum all of this up: I die and wake up at a crossroad to Privet Drive ( assuming that all of this is not just a fever dream), I find a key to this house. In. my. Pocket. And a lease in a name that I came up with.

I know what this shows but, that's not at all possible. I'm not that lucky okay! There is just no way. None at all... that I'm in ....Harry Potter!!?

How can I make sure though? Should I just go knocking to No.4 and ask hey! Are you by chance Vernon and Petunia Dursley? Nope! That would make me sound crazy. And I probably would not be able to handle the truth if I see them. Not like this.

Okay first let's see what I look like. Considering my height, I'm hopefully an adult. But do I look the same. I look to go find a mirror. I passed a bathroom before...

I open the door and stand in front of the mirror with my head down. Moment of truth...

I look up and ... I'm still the same. What a relief! Albeit without my glasses. I can see clearly without them. Well, it's not like I'll miss them. And I am still my age, my hair is longer than I remember though, almost to my hips, and it's darker now too. All in all, I'm pleased to note I'm still my pretty self.

Just as I start guessing if this is actually my house, I hear a loud bank outside. It's quite similar to the sound of a motorbike. I go to the living room to look out my window on to the street. And lo and behold, what I see is all the proof I need, that I really am in the Harry Potter world.

There is Albus Dumbledore, McGonagall and Hagrid, along with the lump of clothes being carried towards Albus, that I presume would be baby Harry. Although I cannot hear a thing of their conversation from this far away, I pretty much remembers what they are saying. Albus walks towards No.4 to put little Harry down the doorstep, accompanied by McGonagall's protest of them being "the worst kind of Muggles". And he continues to ignore the warning of the women. I hate this part a lot.

Anyway, as I continue to watch, Hagrid has already left and so has McGonagall now, I notice the canon changing a little as I remember there was no scene of Albus taking out his wand. Maybe he's casting that blood ward that's so famous or something. Or...not.

He uses that wand to cast something on baby Harry. It takes quite a while too. And then he walks to the doorstep, puts him down and proceeds to leave.

It's not until I am absolutely certain that he's gone that I start to move. As to what I'm doing...I am going to kidnap a baby. I cannot on good conscience leave a baby, in this Britain cold, outside. Especially when I know how he is going to be treated with the worst sort of muggles. I may not remember or know the details of it but locking a growing child in a cupboard that small, cannot be healthy. I'll make peace with the fact that I'm in HP, later.

As I cross the street towards No.4, I remember that it could possibly not be this simple. There's got to be a protection of some sort I can't cross. So, I stop at the entrance of the house that leads a path through the garden towards the front door, and try to see if there is something.

Why not try my luck and see if I can 'feel' it?

So, I close my eyes and try to concentrate. ... I do that for I think a good few minutes and other than getting the presence of little Harry (which is a pleasant surprise, as I do apparently have Magic~), there is nothing. So, I walk on slowly, checking to see for any peepers. And as it still is Harry's first day of care, Mrs.Figg would not be here yet. Let's count on it.

I step to him and crouch. He's sleeping and O SO PreciousS!! There's that letter there too... I'll read that later. So, I gently pick him up and take him away.

Tomorrow I am going to find Diagon Alley. Right now, let's focus on cleaning that nasty wound on Harry's forehead, looking for food, and possibly nappies for him.

God...I hope I have money here...

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