The First Lycan

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The light of dawn graced the green forestry land, beaming through the thick blankets of tall trees and branches. Birds' soft chirps echo through the morning forest as a herd of deer forage on the forest floor, enjoying the peaceful morning together.

Suddenly, loud cheers and stomping hoofs broke the silence, scaring the deer and birds to rush away. The laughter of children came crashing with the roars of men.

"Their back! Their back!" The children chanted, running out of the village, drawing the attention of everyone, especially the young single women.

"WARRIOR HUNTER DID IT AGAIN!" Men riding behind roared as the man leading them into their village glanced over his shoulder and smirked.

He was a warrior. He had a firm chest and few scares from old battles, but he was very handsome. A strong jawline, long raven black hair tied up into a ponytail and a five-clock shadow. Every woman, young and old, falls head over heels for him. But none of them can win his heart except for one.

"Leah," he whispered as she stepped out of the crowd. She gazed up at him and flashed a sweet, warm smile.

He missed her very much when he left and only thought of her. Her long, wavy honey gold hair, high cheekbones, sea-blue eyes and sweet pink lips. She was a beauty, his one and only. "DEREK! DEREK! DEREK!" Everyone cheered his name, pulling his attention. He jumped off his horse with the rest of his hunting party, and the crowd attacked them.

Derek, son of the village chief, was a skilled warrior and hunter praised by his people. Everyone believed he would become a great chief one day.

"Son!" his father called out, pushing through the crowd, "Welcome home." He said, pulling his son into a tight embrace. He pulled away and turned to his people, "LET'S CELEBRATE!" He roared excitedly, and everyone cheered.

The people celebrated until the night fell upon them, and they drank, danced and laughed. They made a grand fire, so their fun never ended. Derek was beside his drunk father and other respected men in their village. They continued congratulating him while they enjoyed the game he hunted.

"Derek, my boy..." A man said drunkenly, patting his shoulder. He leaned forward, "I-I have two beautiful daughters... And one of them can be perfect to be your wife... OR BOTH!" He threw his head back, roaring out his laugh.

The surrounding men heard and cheered, joining in the man's laughter whilst Derek forced a smile as he sipped his drink. He glanced around, and his eyes landed on the beautiful blue eyes. She looked at him from afar and smiled before running off. "Huh... Excuse me," he said as he pushed himself onto his feet and ran after Leah.

Leah giggled under her breath as she quickened her pace. She glanced over her shoulder to see if Derek was following, but she saw nothing as she turned a corner, arms suddenly wrapped around her waist. She released a yelp as Derek pulled her close to his chest. "My Leah, are you running away from me because you did not welcome me back," he whispered into her ear, his warm breath caressing her cheek, making her moan softly. "How about a kiss?" He asked.

She turned to face him, "Why shall I bless you with a kiss?" She asked, turning to meet him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You are my love and soon-to-be my wife," he grinned, pulling away, then grabbed both her hands.

"Derek..." She whispered as he stared into her eyes.

"Leah, I adore you... I love you, and I want you to be my wife," he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Will be my wife?"

She smiled, and her eyes watered, "yes.... Yes! I want to be your wife!" They embraced.


They heard from behind and broke from their trance. Derek slowly and gently pushed Leah to be behind him as he narrowed his gaze to the edge of the forest.

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