23 | her heat rash

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"YOU really don't know how to cook?" I whispered harshly, hoping his family had just been teasing about his lackluster cooking—or lack thereof—skills earlier

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"YOU really don't know how to cook?" I whispered harshly, hoping his family had just been teasing about his lackluster cooking—or lack thereof—skills earlier.

After watching the sun slowly peak through the steady stream of clouds in the sky, Wade and I raced back to the house. True to their word, we were expected to cook a heaping breakfast for all of his family to enjoy.

Wide-eyed, Wade and I stood hip to hip in the middle of the kitchen as his family members began to trickle into the dining room, ready for our food to be prepared and served. Sucking in a deep breath, I smoothed down my shirt in an attempt to calm my erratic heart rate.

I had not spent much time with Wade's family, but I did not want to let them down.

He blinked. "I can try."

Continuing to stare at him, I pointed a spatula in his direction as I responded, "You're going to have to do better than try."

Wade shrugged his shoulders, and much to my luck, Trudy waltzed into the kitchen moments later. Pure determination was written all over her face. Without a moment of delay, Trudy whipped both Wade and me into shape.

Ever since Mom died, I had dabbled more and more with cooking. I was by no means a culinary mastermind, but I did know my way around a kitchen. At the very least, I had graduated from under-seasoning, undercooking, and overcooking my dishes.

The same could not be said about Wade.

He was worse in the kitchen than his family let on. He had the uncanny ability to burn food—particularly eggs—merely by looking at it. Of course, he'd probably scoff at that as a side effect of being an Alpha.

Without Trudy, Alpha Wade and I would not have been able to properly feed his ravenous family members. I was half convinced if such a fate had taken place, they would not have hesitated to turn both Wade and me into their hardy breakfast.

Chase complained they were all starving from having to wake up so early, and, as a result, they also coincidentally did not mind how good—or bad—the food truly would end up turning out.

Despite my time in the kitchen, I did not end up eating the food I prepared. After working up a sweat and cooking breakfast for around thirty of Wade's closest family members, I excused myself to freshen up in the guest bathroom. However, once I washed my face, brushed both my hair and teeth, and picked out a comfortable outfit, I dozed off on the bed right in the middle of tying my shoes.

What felt like seconds later, I was abruptly woken up by Wade's voice. Cracking one eye open, I saw Wade's face looming directly over mine.

"Holy shit." I scrunched back, half my body hanging over the edge of the couch. "You have got to stop waking me up like that."

His face remained steadfast; he didn't even blink before straightening up and saying, "We're leaving."

Sitting up on the couch before I clambered to the ground, I asked, "Right now?"

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