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The next day, I let Cisen take care of my bath alone.

The inside of my calf was a mess because of the swelling. I sighed deeply as I traced the marks that turned from red to purple with my fingertips.

Last night, I mean, the… There was no bonding that Raniero did not want.

That does not mean he was not excited, as I remember clearly when he dragged my hand. Although he was not entirely satisfied with that so he bit my leg like this. Since we had done it not too long ago, he quickly let me go to sleep. Thankfully, fearing that if I did something wrong, I felt like I was going to faint.

I snorted inwardly.

How could I believe that…? There must have been some other reason. If he was really worried about that, he would not have pushed me into the hunting ground. There were times when I really collapsed down while practicing hunting, though he did not passionately worry about me back then? He is not even that great.

However, as he said, my physical condition was not very good.

Should I say it was an ambiguous pain?

It was not to the point of making a fuss because I was not feeling well, but my body was subtly swollen and droopy. My forehead was also vaguely hot. In addition, I also felt bad easily and kept craving sweets.

I wondered if it was because the days were starting to get really hot since when it was hot, people tend to get puffy. However, that was a very ignorant idea. It was because the cause of my poor condition was something else…

It was a week later that I discovered the cause.

It was the day of the social gathering visited by the ladies chosen and chosen by the Duchess of Nerma. Suddenly, Cisen approached me alone and spoke quietly.

“Your Majesty, by any chance…”

As soon as I heard her words, a miracle occurred that made sense about everything in my body. At the same time, please, I wished it was not what Cisen said. But after a while, I checked my underwear and had no choice but to wrap my face in the flood of embarrassment.

…The worst gift that mother nature gave to a woman—

—A period of painful bleeding has begun.

After all, on a day like this…!

゚· : * ✧ * :· ゚

“We have to postpone the gathering.”

Cisen said firmly.

“I’m sure procrastination is one of the solutions, of course.”

Duchess Nerma responded in a tone of displeasure. When she heard that, I could see that Cisen did not like her attitude since it was all revealed on her face.

“The Empress cycle is irregular and the pain’s severe, especially on the first day.”

As those stubborn words flowed from her mouth, my back was slowly starting to hurt.

I sighed.

How did it get so messy…?

Angelica’s body was different from my old body. Initially, I had a fairly regular cycle and did not suffer from premenstrual syndrome at all. Besides, my menstrual cramps were also very minimal. Therefore, I just ignored the signals that the new body sent with all its might because I did not know it was that…!

Originally, if it was ‘Angelica’, I would have immediately told Cisen when I was in an ambiguous state, though I did not do that this time… So, by the time she noticed my condition, it was too late.

My Villainous HusbandΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα