Chapter 8 : The Love That Dreamt

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//तुमसा मिले जो कोई राहगुज़र, दुनिया से कौन डरे
चार कदम क्या सारी उमर, चल दूँगी साथ तेरे//

18th September 2018, Chandigarh
9 PM

Dear Diary,

Last 15 days were a dream!

A literal dream!

God bestowed me with so much happiness.

Kabir was back for a break, and I got a new and better job.

No bossy seniors this time!

But the best part, Kabir and I are getting married.

Yesss, Kabir surprised me with a dream proposal on the first day of his break.

It was a Sunday afternoon, and my lazy self was busy lounging in my room when I heard my mom shouting from downstairs, "Meera, there's a letter for you!"

Letter, means Kabir!

I ran down the stairs at the fastest speed possible and asked my mom, "Mom, where's the letter?"

"Outside.", she said with a mysterious smile.

I, surprisingly, asked, "Outside! Matlab postman se letter liya nahi aap ne?"

She said, "Nahi!"

I could feel my anger rising and I ran to the main door, yelling, "What's wrong with you, mom? Agar wo letter le kar chala gaya hoga to?,"

I opened the door and, to my utter surprise, there stood him.

The center of my universe.
The light of my world.
The love of my life.


Lieutenant Kabir Sethi, in all his glory, black t-shirt and black pants.

I launched onto him and hugged him tight.

I suddenly felt alive.

That afternoon, Kabir had lunch with my family. He cracked jokes with dad, helped mom in kitchen and heard Chiki's stories.

Can this guy get any better?

Evening came, and all of a sudden, he politely asked my parents, "Uncle, aunty, can I take Meera out?"

They instantly agreed and I ran up stairs to get ready.

As I was getting ready, I saw Chiki walking into my room, singing the tunes of some romantic song, and smiling.

She came near me, and whispered in my ears, "You are in for a big surprise today!"

"Surprise? What surprise?", I asked, but she just laughed and ran away.

I ignored her and continued getting ready.

Soon, Kabir drove me somewhere.

It was "Books N Brew".

The cafe outside which we first met and had out first date.

He took me to the cafe's terrace and I saw the whole area decorated with fairy lights, flowers and candles.

"Wow! I never knew about this terrace.", I said.

He replied, "It's not open for public."

I questioned, "So? What are we doing here?"

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