Chapter 14

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William’s POV

I couldn't take it. I simply couldn't take it.

What did she go through? How the fuck did she survive it all? What did he to do her?

Her injuries told a horrifying story, but I knew that the reality was probably even worse. I was in pain just seeing those injuries. If I had to go through that…

“This is all our fault,” Luke mumbled, making me look at him.

He was pale and he looked like he had been tortured for hours.

“We never asked to see her,” Luke continued. “We never visited. We never called. Maybe if we called…”

His voice broke and he closed his eyes.

I looked at Elijah and my heart broke for him. I never thought I would say that about one of the Caruso men, but here we were. He looked like I felt on the inside. Completely desperate. He was staring in front of himself and his eyes looked empty. He was nothing but a hollow shell of himself.

That was exactly how I felt.

I felt like someone reached inside my chest and pulled my heart out of my body. I felt empty. I felt so fucking desperate.

But most of all, I felt guilty.

I felt so fucking guilty that I just wanted to scream and tear this fucking hospital to the ground. I wanted to fall to my knees in front of her and beg for forgiveness.

But would she ever forgive me? Would she ever love me like I loved her?

I heard footsteps approaching and looked up. Damien walked toward us. His eyes fell on Elijah and he gulped. Something I couldn't recognize flashed in his eyes.

“What did the gynecologist say?” Luke asked as he stood up.

Damien looked at him and clenched his fists.

“She isn’t pregnant,” Damien said. “She will probably never be able to have children due to all the injuries she suffered.”

A hot knife pierced through my chest. I closed my eyes and tried to control the urge to break the chair I was sitting on.

“They will test her for any STDs,” Damien continued, his voice trembling. “She said there is a lot of damage to the tissue. It will take some time until it heals.”

A quiet sob escaped Elijah’s lips. I saw Damien’s hands twitch as he looked at him.

“We started her on a couple of different antibiotics just in case,” Damien said, keeping his eyes on Elijah. “She is also severely malnourished so we will have to work on that.”

“Where is Alexander?” I asked, trying to focus on something else.

I was seconds away from burning the fucking hospital to the ground.

“He is with her,” Damien said, looking back at me. “She refused to let go of him.”

A wave of jealousy washed over me, but I was so fucking happy that she trusted at least one of us.

“Will she stay here?” Luke asked and Damien shook his head immediately.

“No way,” I said. “We are not leaving her here.”

Damien looked at me and nodded.

“I agree,” he said. “I am not comfortable leaving her. She could try to…”

He stopped talking and took a deep breath.

“Run?” Luke asked, furrowing his eyebrows a little.

“He wasn’t talking about that, were you, Damien?” Elijah spoke for the first time. “She could try to take her own life? That is what you meant, wasn’t it?”

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