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Word Count: 2032


I stare at the window, watching fat droplets roll down the glass.

Being back at work is completely pointless. We haven't had a single customer all day, and my shift is nearly over.

Other than the money, though, I'm here because I'm fighting for a sense of normalcy.

Sire was confused when I told him I wanted to come back to work today, but he took me here anyway.

Because of the curse, though, no one is venturing out. Emma and I's bosses are insisting we take the risk by keeping the place open, and because she needs money and I need to get out of the house, we are here.

"I'm glad you're back," Emma says, flipping a hand towel over her shoulder.

"I can't believe this place is still open." I would laugh if it wasn't so sad. I wish I could tell the people that this sickness isn't contagious, although that would only cause more panic.

Emma smiles, leaning against the counter. "I would complain but it's nice and quiet and my friend has returned."

I rub the back of my neck.

When Sire went back underground I tried getting back into work. It only lasted a week before the guilt set in and I couldn't bring myself to go for a bit.

"As strange as it may seem, I came back to work for a sense of normalcy. This does not feel normal." I gesture around the barren room.

"Why do you need normalcy? What's been going on?"

I sigh, looking down at the counter that I've wiped endlessly at this point. "There's a new guy in my life."

"What happened to Case?"

"I ended it." At least I think I did. If he had found his mate I would have backed off immediately. It's something that even the strongest relationship cannot compete against.

Emma grins. She has never liked my now ex-boyfriend.

"Like you should have when he first cheated on you," she comments, examining her nails.

I know she is right. Dwelling on it will only depress me, though.

"Anyways, this new guys is...intense. Things are moving really fast," I tell her.

Sire has jumped past any uncomfortable talking stage in a relationship. He wants to fall deeply in love and never look back, which is daunting. I can't tell if it's him, or if it's the mate bond.

Emma wiggles her brows. "That sounds hot. Can I have details?"

"I want him badly, but I don't trust him enough yet to commit."

One slip up and I'm going to fall into bed with him. He's overwhelmingly attractive and my body yearns for him constantly. It's maddening.

"It's because of that asshole Case. He screwed up your sense of trust by cheating on you," Emma points out.

"It's more than that. Who this new guy is as a person makes it hard to want to be with him," I explain.

I can't tell her Sire is an Alpha who once reigned over an ancient Pack and has come back for revenge...If she tried to love someone with that kind of history she would struggle too.

"If you really want him, go for it. But only if he's a good guy."

"I think he is a good guy. He has been good to me so far, but there are aspects of his...past that make it difficult." I pick my words carefully, not wanting to allude to anything I can't come back from.

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