11. mehr

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chapter eleven — here's your chai

TIME FLEW BY Merh's fingertips. It had been exactly eleven months since she met the most unbearable man in her life—three of those were with him under a fake label. Mehr struggled to think of herself as his girlfriend, whether it was real or not. She never did well with lying—not to herself at least.

She didn't expect him even to bother entertaining the idea of them being together more than necessary, however, she found herself astounded by the way he carried their relationship. The late-night dates after work, the family dinners, and the occasional coffee room conversations weren't necessary.

What isn't necessary is how often he invited her over to his house. The prime example is now. The text illuminated the screen of her phone, illuminating her dimly lit room. The pumping of her heart refused to slow down, it had no business in being that loud—constantly ringing in her ears, reminding her of the unwanted effect he had on her.

Before she knew it, Mehr found herself in front of his doorsteps, placing her shoes in her allocated slot and hanging her trench coat on the empty hanger he reserved just for her. The thought alone frazzled her brain—no boss should be doing this for their fake partner.

The signs are there, yet Mehr keeps her eyes shut.

Blindsided by the semantics.

"Will you just stare into nothing or actually come in?"

The same voice she was so used to hearing was now smoother, gentler in some ways yet it had the same effect nonetheless. The hair behind her neck raised once feeling the air conditioning—Mehr would like to think that because she would never admit to herself that her fake boyfriend made her nervous.

Mehr doesn't get nervous.

"Are you going to tell me why I'm here?" The weight of her coat dissipated with her sigh. She ignored the way the slippers he gave her perfectly moulded her feet. The refusal to make eye contact remained strong—the moment she would meet them it'll be a lost cause for her.

Khayr momentarily pauses on his feet, turning around to analyse her. Mehr dared to take a peek before narrowing her eyes at him for displaying an amused expression. "What's so funny?"

"You." He said deadpanned.

Mehr huffs, rolling her eyes as she walks towards his balcony. The starry night might be able to soothe her nerves, or so she thought when feeling his looming presence tower over her.

"You seem to have been avoiding me. Why?"

"You see me every day, what more do you want?" Mehr knows she's pushing his buttons, yet the thrill of it didn't bother her.

"Wouldn't you love to know?"

Raising her eyebrows, Mehr faces him, standing on the cool balcony, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Their eyes remain on each other, having a silent conversation of sorts, all the while her heart pumps faster. "I just wanted to talk."

Mehr knows the connotations behind those words—dreaded by society. "Okay? So what is it?"

The wind paces up, messing with her neatly styled hair. Before she could touch up the frail strands, Khayr took a step closer to her, entering her personal bubble. Her hands twitch mid-air when his fingertips brush against her ears.

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