❝𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗❞

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Rayyan was still on the bed and looking at his wife, who was running here and there like a headless chicken. It was Ayesha's first day at the office, and she was really nervous. Rayyan let out a deep sigh as she rechecked her bag for the nth time since the morning.

"Come here." He said, making her head snap at him. Ayesha looked at him in confusion and walked towards him. He took her hands on his hands and started drawing circles.

"Now tell me, what is the problem?"

"I don't know. What if something bad happens? What if I get fired on the first day?" She started panicking.

"Ayesha, look at me." Rayyan grabbed her face in his hands. "Nothing bad will happen. Don't overthink. Now answer some of my questions, okay?"

She nodded.

"Do you really want to do this internship? Wholeheartedly?" He asked.

"Yes." Ayesha replied.

"Are you compassionate in this field?"


"Are you ready to face struggles?"

She nodded.

"Will you complete given tasks in time?"

She nodded again.

"See, you have qualities of a great employee. Then, what are you afraid of? Nobody will fire you unless you do something unethical which I know you won't. You will be fine and if you get any problem, you can call me, okay?"

"Okay." She nodded her head.

They stayed on the bed holding each other's hands in silence before she broke it. "Will you drop me to the company?"

"Do you want me to?" He asked her.

"Please." she said.

Rayyan put his hand on her cheeks and said, "You don't need to say please to me. Just order me. Now, let's go and have breakfast or else we will be late."

Together, they went downstairs hand in hand. Rayyan served Ayesha and himself.

"I am done." Rayyan looked at Ayesha whose plate still had two rotis. He had served her three.

"Finish all." he said sternly whereas Ayesha gave him puppy eyes.

"Ayesha." He spoke again.

"Please, Rayyan. I can't." She said giving him a pout. He sighed and gave her a glass of milk.

"Okay, drink this then."

"I am not a baby, Rayyan. I don't need milk." She spoke.

"Well, you are behaving like one now. And either finish the milk or roti. Choice is yours." He said shrugging.

"Khadoos." she muttered.

"I know, I am." He gave her a glare and she finished the glass of milk. Rayyan put her share of roti in his plate and started having. She waited for him to finish and both of them left for work.

Rayyan stopped his car outside her company. Ayesha strapped her seat belt and turned towards her husband. She prayed Ayat al Kursi and blew on his head. Rayyan looked at her with a smile and gently pecked her forehead.

"I will be here to pick you up." He spoke.

Ayesha gave him a big smile and nodded while leaving the car.


Ayesha was waiting for her husband to arrive from outside when she heard a voice from behind, "Look at her. Isn't she the new intern?"

"Yeah, she is. Look at her dress. What is she wearing? Even my maid wears more fashionable dress."

"I know right. Why would sir even employ her?" At the last sentence, Ayesha turned towards them.

"Well maybe, I have good qualification and manners unlike someone." Ayesha said while glaring at them.

Before they could say anything, Rayyan's car arrived. Ayesha went towards the car leaving the two ladies dumbfounded.

"What happened?" Rayyan asked looking at her angry face.

"Why can't people just mind their own business?" she exclaimed loudly.

"Did someone trouble you?" Rayyan asked, putting his hand on her hands which were on her lap.
Ayesha played with his fingers. "Not something I couldn't handle." She sighed before asking, "Can we go to Ice-cream parlor?"

Rayyan nodded and drove them to the parlor. They settled down on the chair and Ayesha ordered the ice cream.

"How was the first day?" He asked her.

"Amazing. You were right. I was unnecessarily overthinking. My supervisor even praised me." She said with a big smile. "What about you?"

"It was good too. We finished the project. Now, just the reviewing is remaining." He responded.

"Wow. That's great." She spoke.

"Here" She forwarded the ice-cream at he had not ordered.

"No. You have it." He spoke.

Ayesha sighed and fed him herself. "See, isn't it delicious?"

"Yeah." saying that he opened his mouth for her to feed.


"I miss Ammi. Can I go there tomorrow?" Ayesha asked him while they were lying on the bed. Rayyan had his arms wrapped around her shoulder and Ayesha had her head on his chest.

"Okay. Will you stay there the night?" Rayyan said.

"I won't get sleep without you." She muttered lowly.

"How did you stay all these years without me, begum?" He said with a chuckle.

"Don't tease me." She said, slapping his chest.

"Ouch. Is that how you behave with your husband?" He teasingly said.

"Rayyan." She whined.

"Yes, begum." He spoke.

"Will you stay there with me?" She asked him.

"Of course. Wherever my begum goes, I follow her." He replied.

"I like it when you call me, begum" Ayesha said lowering her eyes.

"And I like these." He said, slightly poking her cheeks that had turned red due to blushing.

She lightly hit his chest and they slowly dozed off to sleep with their arms wrapping each other. 

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