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The movie was boring.

So boring that the three of us ended up falling asleep. Mitchell's loud-enough-to-wake-the-dead snoring is what wakes me up in the middle of the night, or, at least I'm assuming it's the middle of the night. I would check the time on my phone, but I no longer have one.

The left-side of my face is resting on Grayson's shoulder. Slowly and cautiously, I lift my face from his shoulder and turn to look at him. His head is inclined upward towards the ceiling as it rested against the sofa's ridge.

He's so peaceful when he's sleeping, and less of a complete nuisance.

As if sensing that I was watching him sleep, he sluggishly opens his eyes.

This is mildly embarrassing.

As quick as lightning, I avert my gaze and let out a forced and silent yawn. He sits forward and shifts in place.

"You can't stop yourself from drooling on me, huh?" He whispered to me.

"Shut up." I groaned, standing up.

"Are you still mad at me? I'm sorry for-"

"Shushhh!" I snapped at him in a whisper. "And yes, I am still mad at you. You pushed me into the lake and broke my phone!"

At the other end of the sofa, Mitchell mumbled something in his sleep as he turned over. I turn away and quietly made my way to the staircase so I could head up to my chosen room for the week. The steps croaked as I slowly tiptoed up them, which was highly irritating.

The room I had chosen was not as big in size as my one back home, but it was nice and cozy. I flipped the light switch on and walk in, gently closing the door behind me. The window overlooked the lake, which was currently shimmering beneath silver moonbeams. I could hear crickets chirping outside, which normally would annoy me, but as of this moment, it was oddly soothing.

I stand there and stare out the window at the lake. I could totally see myself living here, or at least visiting often. I can't believe my parents never told me about this place, it's amazing. I would take a picture, but...

I move closer to the window so that I could close the drapes and then slip into bed without the moon's gaze on me.

The door to my room slightly creaks open.

"I'm not in the mood." I tell Grayson. I didn't need to look to know that it was him.

"Can we please talk?" He asks urgently.

"Fine." I say.

He comes inside and closes the door behind before approaching. He stands awkwardly beside my bed where I was sat down.

"I'm sorry for pushing you in today, and for your phone getting ruined. And I'm sorry I'm such a dick to you all the time, I- I can't help it." He takes in a nervous breath as he takes a seat beside me on the edge of the bed. "I act crazy around you."

"Why?" I wondered, clasping my hands together over my lap.

He takes another quavering breath. "I don't know, you just make me feel nervous."


I make him feel nervous?

"Why did you even come here? Like, on this trip?" I asked him, genuinely curious.

"Mitchell told me about your mom." He says. "She said it was okay for me to come along. At first I didn't want to, because I didn't want to ruin Cooper Family time, but then Mitchell and your mom insisted that I was part of it."

"Oh." I say.

"I'm really sorry about your mom." He speaks in a mellow tone of voice. "She doesn't deserve this."

"It's unfair." I say, blinking away tears before they can form.

But she will be fine.

My mother is the single most strongest person that I have ever met in my life, even more so than my father.

She will be alright.

I was taken by surprise when Grayson enveloped me into a hug. My chin rests on his shoulder as his hands connect at the lower of my back. It was the perfect kind of hug, awkward as fuck, but perfect.

"Aren't you going to hug me back?" He asks me, his gentle voice vibrating against my shoulder where his jaw rested.

"You've got my arms pinned." I tell him.

"Oh." He pulls away, allowing me to move my arms and awkwardly return his hug.

This is weird.

This is weirder than weird.

The world around us came to a halt on it's axis as I melted into his embrace. I honestly can't remember the last time I was hugged by someone. Like, genuinely hugged by them.

It felt nice.

A short while later, we both pulled away from each other. His is piercing blue eyes met my brown ones, and he slowly leaned in towards me. I place a hand on his chest, holding him in place just inches away from me.

"Grayson, we can't." I tell him.

"Why not?" His voice came out as a whisper as his breath gently caressed the right side of my face.

"We just.... We shouldn't."

He places his hand over mine, which was still on his chest, and clasps it. "I know we shouldn't.... But I want to."

Slowly, he moves our connected hands from his chest and leans further in. His lips gently collide with my own as his hands find their way to my waist. Regular kissing then turned into French kissing when he sticks his tongue in my mouth. With his guidance, I fall slowly with my back against the bed.

"Wait." I paused with racing breaths. "You'd better not tell anyone."

A smirk appears on his face. "Pinky promise." He leaned in for another kiss, only for me to stop him.

"Im serious." I whispered.

He huffed before speaking. "I won't tell anyone, I promise." He sounded sincere. "I'm okay with being your dirty little secret."

That is so cringe.

"You're such a loser." I tell him as he brings our lips together again and presses his body against mine.

I shouldn't like this...

I shouldn't even want this, either...

But I do.

For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I wanted Grayson Scott more than anything.

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