What its like to date Chris <3

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he would always want to be near you, he feels a hole in his heart when you're not there.

An inside joke between you guys would be slapping each others ass ( not sexually ) just for fun.

He's very touchy, physical touch is a big thing for both of you, Kisses, cuddles, a hand on the waist or thigh or even hand.

You both rarely use real names and use pet names:

he call you - Babe, Baby, Princess, pretty, Gorgeous, my girl, angel, love, sweetheart, shawty

you call him - Babe, Baby, Pretty boy, handsome, my boy, my love, sweetheart

he's easily jealous but you always reassure him with kisses which eases his jealousy

he loves kissing your hand, especially when your holding hands.

even though both of you are very jokey, he likes when you have deep chats with each other.

your fav activity to do aside from cuddling, is watching tv shows together.

if you're not with each other, you fall asleep on facetime together.

his favourite thing that you do is scratch his back and his scalp.

your favourite thing that he does is always makes sure your comfortable, wether it be when your asleep or in social situations, etc...

his favourite physical features about you is your lips, eyes, jaw, ass and hips.

your favourite physical features on him are his eyes, hair, arms and jawline.

Christopher Sturniolo Imagines &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now