Chapter 23: Evelyn

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"Max!" I called walking into the packhouse with a bright smile. Tina and Maggie walked in behind me.

I began to shirk my jacket when a pack member came up behind me and grabbed it.

"Oh you don't have to-" I began to say.

"I insist, Luna," the young wolf said. He bowed his head and took it to the coat room.

I heard a small laugh behind me and a delicate hand was placed on my shoulder.

"You'll have to get used to it eventually, Luna," Tina smiled and winked at me.

I sagged my shoulders, playfully rolling my eyes. "I don't know if I ever will," I laughed. Yet, my words held the smallest twinge of truth in them, my secret insecurities surfacing.

"Oh you will," Tina assured with a reassuring smile.

But despite it, my stomach churned ever so slightly, the prickly sensation of anxiety giving me goosebumps. For a moment, I found myself perplexed by the anxiety I was feeling. It seemed like it was mine and yet a foreign entity all at the same time. My brain flickered to Maximus and it was only then I realized he was missing from the front of the packhouse.

"Is something wrong, Evelyn?" Maggie's soft voice rang out behind me.

I was snapped from my thoughts and turned to look at both of my friends, with a smile.

"Oh, everything's fine! I just thought Maximus would be down here, but it's okay! I'm sure he is simply preoccupied," I waved a hand in the air dismissively.

I was sure he and Alpha Oak were simply discussing some of the recent pack issues together. It would explain the anxiety.

"I had such a good day with both of you guys," I gleamed. I stepped forward and gave them each a large hug.

"I had so much fun with you too," Maggie agreed, pulling away.

"We should do this again sometime!" Tina smiled.

"We should!" I agreed, practically melting at the sweet new friendships I was being enveloped in. "I'll talk to Maximus first and see what our plans for the week are, and I'll let you guys know when I'm next available!"

"Sounds perfect," Maggie nodded.

"Absolutely splendid!" Tina agreed, her southern accent ringing around the latter term.

"I'll see you guys soon!" I waved at them, a smile wider than I felt I'd had all week spreading across my face.

"See you!" they said at the same time. They looked at each other and burst into a fit of laughter at their jinx, then waved at me as they walked through the packhouse doors.

I laughed and then turned towards the stairs, deciding I would go and find Maximus myself.
Walking up the two flights of stairs, I found myself feeling a bit weak. It was true, it was much more exertion than I was used to, but the past few days at the packhouse the climb had felt easier and easier. I pressed a hand to my forehead inhaling deeply before deciding to shake it off and press forward.


"Max?" I called out knocking on the office door.

The door swung open and I began to step in with a smile when I realized the man in front of me was not Maximus.

A tall man, who appeared to be in his early to mid-twenties stood in front of me. He had golden brown hair, that had a slight wave to it, and a mustache and beard. He stared at me with a measured gaze.

EvelynOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora