Chapter 1

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"Who's he?" I ask looking at my mother.

"Your bodyguard." Mom answers with a smile.

"I never asked for A BODYGUARD!" I raise my voice.

"I want you to be protected, all that stuff your going through.." Mom answers with a frown.

"FINE!" I yell, I turn around to the bodyguard. "How old are you?" I ask with a death stare.

"19.." he answers standing up straight.

"What's your name?" I continue.

"Finn Wolfhard.." he answers looking serious.

I walk closer, "how did my mom find you?" I ask again.

Finn looks down at me, "she contacted me.." Finn answers showing no emotion.

"Just stop interrogating him! He did nothing!" My mom raised he voice.

"FINE!" I yell, turning to her.
I am just going to tease him. And be annoying
"I'm going to bed good night.." I say walking to my room.

"Good night!" Mom responds.

I close my door to open my computer.
I wanna play Sims 4


*knock, knock*

"Who is it?" I ask looking at the door.

"Finn." He answers and stops knocking.

"My mom sent you here... huh?" I continue, walking to the door.

"Yes." Finn answers. "Can I open the door?" Finn continued.

"Fine you can open the door." I say walking back to my bed.

Finn opens the door.

"Why did my mom send you?" I ask

"To make sure your ok." Finn answers.

"Why are you serious all the time?...loosen up!" I laugh.

"I am a bodyguard and my job is to protect you. you know? I can't let my guard down." Finn says looking at me.

"Mhm...Can you leave now?" I say, sitting up from my bed.

"Yeah ok.." Finn says walking to the door.

He's respectful... niceeee.

I Start to change into my pj's. I was undressed getting my shirt and pants from my closet.

Finn walks in the door, "Your mom-" Finn cuts his sentence.

I look over.
I forgot to lock the door SHIT!
"Can you GET OUT PLEASE?!" I yell in embarrassment.

"I AM SORRY!" Finn says embarrassed. He closed his eyes and closes the door.

I quickly grab my clothes and change.

When I was done I laid down on my bed and went to sleep.

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