act three: scene five

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third person pov.

iris had isolated herself in her room since her return from L.A a week ago. she hated how vinnie made her feel, she hated how mads was right about her, and most of all iris hated herself for ever believing that someone could truly like her. sure guys had gone for her in the past, but none wanted anything more than a quick fuck and as soon as they realized she wasn't the girl for that, they were gone. iris had no idea how she couldn't have seen vinnie's true motive, his deceiving actions blinded her. her feelings for him blinded her.

landing in new york city two days after iris did, vinnie knew he had a limited window. in the short time that he knew the young girl, he noticed that once she was in a downwards spiral of overthinking that led to self-hatred it was next to impossible to get her out of it. the first time he went to iris' shared apartment with mace, he had turned vinnie away. he told him something along the lines of "sorry bro, she's not ready to see you yet and i'm not gonna do anything against her wishes, regardless of the reality of the situation. just give her some time man, she'll come around."

he respected her wishes and left, even though it felt like every step he took drove a knife through his heart, he did it because that's what iris wanted.

the next day, he showed up with her favourite doughnuts but just like the day before, mace simply shook his head muttering the same excuse as before. this went on for days, vinnie brought over countless gifts because if iris wasn't able to feel his love for her, then he was going to show it.

after almost a week vinnie was becoming desperate, he wanted nothing more than to see his girl if she even wanted his anymore. when he showed up at their door yet again the same words left mace's mouth, yet as he tried to close the door vinnie stopped him. his strength was much greater than mace's allowing him to force his way into their entryway.

"please just let me talk to her, i promise as soon as she tells me to leave i'm gone and you'll never have to see me again. i just- fuck i just can't take it anymore man. i know you've had your doubts about me because of my past and reputation but i'm telling you, iris isn't like them. she makes me want to be better. please i'm begging you" mace had never seen vinnie this way. he hadn't known him for long, but mace had been told enough about vinnie to know that he rarely ever said please, and it was ever rarer for him to be this raw and open with someone.

"fine, you can talk to her through her door, but i'll be listening and i swear as soon as she says she wants you out your ass better already be through the door. understand? don't make me regret this vinnie" mace had given in, he knew iris was hurting because of vinnie but he also saw how he looked and treated her. whatever story mads had given seemed like complete bullshit if what jack had told him had been right. mace was betting a lot on the hope that it was.


iris had heard talking coming from somewhere in the apartment, it wasn't clear where and quite frankly she didn't care enough to bother checking. her attention was caught when she heard a heavy knock upon her door, mace's were always quick and light so immediately she knew it wasn't his. there was one person, one man, who came to mind. her heart started to pound and her assumption was proven correct when she heard, "hi sweetheart, it's me"

she knew he would eventually come, after almost a week of neverending gifts of food, jewelry and small nick nacks that only vinnie would get for her, he was destined to show eventually. each day when mace brought them, he tried to persuade her to hear him out even if it was just for closure but even his name brought tears to her eyes and pain to her heart.

jules, lilia and will all tried to show her that there were holes in the story but nonetheless always stayed on her side. lilia even offered to key his cars, and the look in her eyes made iris think that she might've been serious. she adored the loyalty of her friends. yet the nagging little voice in the back of her head kept on telling her, they care about you, so maybe they're right, maybe mads story was a lie. but she could never bring herself to believe it.

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