Thirty-four: Style

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The tickets to Carmen and Marina's charity fashion show were a lot more expensive than Vera expected. She bought one anyway. She really did want to support them, and not just because she was glad that despite the photo leak and subsequent press frenzy they were still getting along well enough to work together. During all of her soul-searching, she had started to realize that Carmen had been right, that day by the pool when she had drunkenly spilled far too many personal details; even though her fame had seemed like an insurmountable barrier, and despite how infuriating she could be, Carmen had managed to sneak into that small group of people Vera considered friends. Or, more accurately, she had kicked down the door and swanned through it.

Although she still nursed a desire to expose Lily as the leaker and clear her name, Vera had accepted that probably wasn't going to happen. Instead, she had sent Carmen a set of designer recommendations, just like she had for Marina. She'd even included some ideas of ways to style certain pieces for events during her upcoming Oscars campaign. It hadn't surprised her when she'd heard nothing back. She knew how excellent Carmen was at holding a grudge. Besides, with Carmen she'd only kept a secret, which was different from ghosting on her work responsibilities. She was still working on other ways to make it up to the actor. In the meantime, she would show up for her, because she wanted her friends to succeed at whatever they did. Even when they weren't talking to her

So that was why she was here now, the cool autumn night drawing around her like a velvet robe as she waited in line outside the warehouse venue. Strings of LED lights changed color overhead and music drifted out the open doors. At the front of the line, security was checking tickets and shining a flashlight into purses.

Her nerves vibrated like a kite string in the wind. Some of the most fashionable people Vera had ever seen pressed close around, laughing and talking. Cultural clout was thicker than the drifting marijuana smoke in this crowd. She recognized fashion influencers and minor celebrities, and she even caught some of them recognizing her in return.

"That's because we look fabulous," Jay said, when she leaned in to ask if he'd noticed the looks they were getting.

When she'd said she was going to the fundraiser, he admitted he had already bought a ticket. He'd been working with both Carmen and Marina even longer than Vera, and she knew he had a soft spot for them, too, no matter how much he might call them divas.

He was wearing the shit out of the suit she'd made him, now altered to fit him gloriously. The deep orange looked radiant against his brown skin and gold eyeshadow. She hadn't told him that it meant a lot to her, how much he liked the suit, but she was pretty sure he knew.

"Everyone else looks fabulous, too," she pointed out now. And they did. The dress code had been ambiguous, so ballgowns brushed hems with voluminous pleated jeans, but it was clear that no one had been able to resist the chance to show off their good taste.

"Sure, they look fine. But we have that somethin'-somethin', that je ne sais quois." Jay dropped her a wink. "Who did your hair? It looks amazing. And who are you wearing? That suit is almost as incredible as mine."

She laughed and struck a pose, her hand under her chin. Jay had done her hair, of course, a very short textured cut in her natural raven black. And the suit was her own design. As if she would wear anyone else to a fashion show. A loose pajama-style cut in jade green silk with mustard yellow accents, it was hella comfortable, and it stood out among the models in sexy bodycon dresses. Even if Vera was at least a foot shorter than the average height of the guests.

Standing out mattered, because this whole event was packed with fashion industry people, including some designers who she'd been feeling out about an internship. Deals were negotiated and jobs discussed at events like this. She might be here to support her friends, but that didn't mean she couldn't be practical, too. Her newly revamped portfolio was saved to her phone, just in case.

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