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Canada: is where 60% of the world's polar bears spend the majority of their time.

Coming home late had indeed become the norm for Canada in the weeks following New Brunswick's departure, so America is not surprised when he comes home to an empty house. He has dinner alone and shoots a text to Canada that there were leftovers if he wants them. America busies himself with cleaning (he is still finding glitter all over the place) and then collapses down onto the couch as he switches on the TV. At around eleven, he decides to be a responsible adult and go to bed before it gets too late.

He checks if Canada has responded to his message, only to find he hasn't read it. Which was a bit weird; Canada usually informs him if he is going somewhere after his shift. But Canada is also an adult and can do what he wants so America decides that he shouldn't worry. At least not yet.

The call comes just before he gets into bed. He doesn't recognise the number. Ordinarily America wouldn't have picked up an unknown number but considering it may explain Canada's unexpected radio silence... Not that he's that worried or anything.

"Um, America..." It is indeed Canada.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE ALIVE!" America sits up, the definition of alert.

"Uh.. yeah. I - uh - I got arrested." he sounds ... dazed.

America blinks.


He did not expect that one.

"For m-murder" Canada says, voice cracking, "I mean they think I killed someone but - oh God - Winnipeg's dead and I didn't do it but they don't believe me and they say they have evidence and-" America sits completely still, listening to Canada's frantic rambling.

"Wait, wait, wait, Have you spoken to someone?" He says, cutting Canada off.

"I'm speaking to you-" Canada says, sounding even more distressed.

"No, like a law person - lawyer or whatever - go ask for a legal dude!"

"B-But I didn't do it!" Canada exclaims, then continues in a quieter voice, "If I ask for a lawyer, it'll be even more suspicious!"

"They can't use it as evidence against you," America assures him.

"How do you even know?" He sounds like he might cry.

"Everyone knows that." America says because 'I saw it in a movie once' does not sound like a very comforting answer at the moment. "Just ask them for a solicitor and they'll have to get you one, okay?"

"O-oh. Okay..." Canada's voice is hesitant but at least he does not sound like he's on the verge of tears anymore, "Um, I've got to go now." The call ended.

America flops back down onto his bed, head spinning. He and Canada have been friends since childhood. They had grown up in that small village, gone to school together, decided to room together through uni, they were practically brothers. And sure, Canada looked intimidating, but even the people he had played against in his ice-hockey days said he was actually incredibly good-natured. He knows Canada would not have killed someone. Not a chance.

But now he's been arrested. The police must have some sort of evidence but there is no way Canada did it. Obviously there has to be some sort of mix up and he will be able to go free soon.

● ● ●

America barely survives work. He can barely focus, too busy worrying about Canada to even care that New Jersey was complaining loudly about something or other. He does his best to pretend like he cares what the man is saying, but his usual tricks aren't working and it takes Illinois stepping in to shut New Jersey up.

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