Part 3 - Cigarettes for Donny

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Holden was true to his word.

One "heartfelt" letter to our Maths teacher was all it took to secure a semester's worth of supplementary tutoring sessions. How he wanted me to comprehend and revise a whole 3 years worth of information on engineering? That was a mystery to me.

He had left the tutoring room yesterday with the instruction to meet at his workshop building on the North side of campus at 4:30. That's it. No other clues on how this arrangement was going to work. All I had gathered from his introductory paragraphs was that his project had something to do with electricity. And the human mind? I know, my deductive skills were top notch. But what can you expect from a high school senior? I rolled my eyes as I walked, internally laughing. I really hoped that Holden knew what he was doing, putting his Junior project proposal in my hands.

Speaking of my hands, I wiped them down my skirt, metaphorically wiping my nerves away. Staring up at the Engineering building, I was feeling pretty intimidated. The building was tall, and full of glass windows. The bottom floor classrooms were open. Like actually open. Their wall between them and the sidewalk outside was a glass garage door like structure, which had been pulled up to expose the students inside to the afternoon breeze.

I nodded my head to myself, admitting that I was impressed by the engineering nerds. Leave it to them to have a fancy-schmancy indoor and outdoor classroom. I spotted the entrance to the building off to the right, and took a deep breath. As I approached the door, and pulled on the handle, I was met with resistance. I tried again, and no luck. The door was locked. Embarrassed, I looked around before trying again. With no change, I took a step back and studied the door.

I could feel the eyes of a few students stray towards me with the loud noises I had made with the door. Embarrassment turned into some mild anxiety in a flood. Where was Holden? I checked my watch, confirming the time again. My thoughts sped up.

Was I at the wrong building?

Did he forget?

Maybe he changed his mind.

I'm here alone





A loud roaring engine ripped me out of my spiralling thoughts. Around the corner of the building, emerging from the back alley - a black motorcycle skidded to a stop. The rider was dressed in black as well, a matching helmet covering his head, concealing his identity. The engine revved one more time before the rider cut the power and leaned the bike onto its kickstand. The rider reached up to remove his helmet, revealing Holden. The breath stalled in my lungs finally escaped.

He hadn't forgotten me.

He placed his helmet on the seat of the bike, and strolled towards me, emerging from the small alleyway between buildings. I wasn't in college, but I was pretty sure you couldn't just park your ride at your class's - actual door. Before I could even think about questioning his parking spot, he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and pulled one out. My nose wrinkled automatically, thinking of that smell, associating it with that person.

A security guard I hadn't noticed earlier was headed our way. Holden didn't seem worried at all. No, said bad boy was taking his time making his way towards me, twirling that cancer stick between his fingers. I waited for the security guard to lay into him, and cause an even bigger scene.

But none of that happened.

I watched, dumbstruck, when the security guard said nothing to Holden. He simply snagged the cigarette from his hands, and continued on his stroll, as if Holden's bike wasn't even there. Holden smirked at me, as if he knew what I had been thinking. I crossed my arms, and avoided his gaze. He pulled out a key card and swiped the little black box next to the door, effectively unlocking it.

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