9. An End and a Beginning

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For the past couple of days Jamie hasn’t seen even a single strand of Casper’s hair. It’s expected since it’s exam week now, even Gwen and the twins have stopped working at the cafe for the meantime because of the exams, but Jamie still couldn’t help feeling a little bit lonely not seeing Casper for almost a week.

But days passed by, Gwen and the twins has returned to work having finished all their exams but there was still no sign of Casper anywhere, not in the cafe and not even in the trains.

Jamie was spacing out on the counter when Gwen poked her at the sides making her shriek and jump away.

“What the heck Gwen?!”

“You still waiting for lover boy?” Gwen wiggled her eyebrows at Jamie.

“Lover boy?! Who?!” Jamie shrieked again.

“Casper obviously!” Gwen stated in a ‘duh’ tone.

“Admit it you miss him don’t you?” Gwen smirked at Jamie who flushed and gaped like a fish.

“No!- I-I mean I do miss him but just as a friend! I miss him as a friend!” Jamie retorted to a Gwen whose smirk was steadily growing wider.

“What about you, you said you’re meeting up with your boyfriend today right? You must be happy that your long-distance boyfriend came to see you twice this month” Jamie inquired in hopes of changing the subject.

“Oh yes! I’m actually really excited to see him later, we’re eating dinner at a nice restaurant and he said he has something to say to me!” Gwen turned all giggly and Jamie let out a sigh of relief.

“Maybe he’ll be asking to break up with you” Harry said as he set down a tray of melon buns on the counter.

“My day started out good so don’t ruin it Harry” Gwen retorted taking a deep breath with her eyes closed, Harry didn’t say anything else and went back to the kitchen but Jamie saw an odd expression cross Harry’s face before closing the kitchen door.

“You never did tell me what started the animosity between you and Harry, just what happened between you two?” Jamie decided to ask the question she had been dying to know for a year now since Gwen first started working here.

“I don’t wanna talk about it, it was just a stupid argument anyway” Gwen pinched the space between her brows and let out a deep breath.

It’s 3 pm and Jamie is the only one at the counter with Gwen taking a break at the back. The cafe door opened and in came a couple who was all over each other. They were flirting all the way to the counter that Jamie almost wanted to smack them out of the cafe but she held herself back and put on her business smile.

After they got their order they sat at the furthermost table at the back of the cafe and Jamie can already imagine with disgust just what the couple is about to do.

20 minutes in and the thing Jamie dreaded happened, the couple at the back of the cafe had started making out.

“Ugh!” Jamie hates these kinds of customers but she doesn’t know how to handle them without there being a fight so she has been making Gwen deal with them, and so she went to the kitchen to get Gwen.

“A couple making out?” Gwen asked as they walked through the kitchen door to the cafe.

“Yeah, they’re at the back of the room” Jamie pointed at the couple and Gwen froze.

“Jacob?” Gwen asked aloud and the man broke the kiss with his girlfriend. When he saw Gwen his eyes widened like saucers and soon dread filled his face.

“G-gwen?” The man, Jacob, stammered out.

“Do you know her babe?” Jacob’s make-out partner asked looking between Jacob and Gwen.

“M-my long distance girlfriend?” Jacob got out and Jamie saw the girl mouthing ‘oh shit’.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!” Without preamble Gwen stormed over to the two and pulled the heck out of their hairs, the couple both had long hairs so that gotta hurt considering Gwen is quite strong at pulling, Jamie thought breaking out of her daze.

“Oh shit, Gwen!” Jamie ran to the three and tried prying her hands off their hair but Gwen’s hands were unwavering.

“Harry! Larry! Get over here!” Jamie shouted at the direction of the kitchen and a second later the twins were by their side.

“Make her let go of their hair!” Jamie instructed the two and they started to pull Gwen away from the couple.

“LET GO! I’LL FUCKING RIP OFF ALL THEIR HAIR!” Gwen screamed and kicked from Larry’s hold.

“YOU FUCKING CHEATER!” Gwen continued to scream at the couple and all of them finally understood what was happening.

The couple was busy inspecting their injuries when Jacob saw the scratches on his girlfriend’s face.

“Do you really have to be so violent?!” Jacob asked angrily at Gwen while holding his girlfriend’s face.

“I’M the bad guy here?!” Gwen shrieked again.

“Well I wouldn’t cheat on you in the first place if you weren’t such an obsessive little bi-!” Jacob wasn’t able to finish his sentence because Harry punched the heck out of his face that he passed out.

The shock of Harry punching Jacob was enough to make even Gwen silent and still. No one was able to move because of the shock except for Jacob’s girlfriend who bawled like Jacob already died. The girlfriend tried to slap Harry but Gwen was quick to slap her instead leaving the girlfriend gaping at Gwen before dramatically falling beside Jacob and bawling like a baby.

When Jacob woke up Gwen slapped him one last time before ending things with him and kicking him and his girlfriend out of the cafe.

“I told you” Was all Harry said to Gwen when the couple left before walking away. All Jamie and Larry could do was watch eagerly as the drama shifted to Gwen and Harry.

“I’m sorry for not believing you a year ago” Was all Gwen could say with her head hanging down and tears silently falling to the floor. Everyone was once again shocked as Harry walked back to her and hugged her. Jamie and Larry had their jaws on the floor at the scene meanwhile Gwen was overcome with emotions so much that she didn’t pull away and just continued crying on his shoulder.

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