1. Stuck

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The familiar sound of an incoming train filled the station as people got ready to board. Having stopped in its tracks, the doors started sliding open to give way for people getting out first. After the passengers got out, the people outside started getting in.

The passengers were all in and the doors started to slide shut when a flustered voice outside caught the passengers' attention. "Wait!" Continued the voice as a girl rushed inside the train, tired and sweaty from all the running she had to do to get in the train on time.

She leaned against the door and stayed there to get her breathing even. After a while she scanned the room and found that all the seats have already been occupied. She spotted a pole nearby with only a few people clutching on it and decided to go there.

She straightened after sagging against the door and started to take a step towards the pole when suddenly she couldn't move forward anymore. All her thoughts came to an abrupt stop and she stayed still there for a moment, feet frozen in the air.

Heart beating faster, she put her feet down then slowly turned her head around and found that her shirt was stuck in between the doors. Face steadily getting warmer, she discreetly tried to pull her shirt free but it was hard to exert enough strength from her position to pull out her shirt without anyone noticing her actions.

Not wanting any attention and further embarrassment she gave up and settled on just leaning against the doors throughout the journey.

Unfortunately from the moment she stopped and turned her head around earlier, a guy noticed and followed her gaze at the stuck shirt. The guy then approached the girl and asked "Do you need help?"

Immediately she moved her head from her phone to the voice that spoke. 'Shit' came her thought. She didn't respond for a while as she was contemplating what to do when the guy asked again in a quiet voice knowing the girl must be embarrassed "Your shirt is stuck right?"

"Oh, uhh yeah" She said in the same quiet voice and her face began to catch fire again as she looked at her feet. Distracted by the embarrassment she didn't pay attention to the message that came from the speakers.

"On the count of three take a big step forward while I pull your shirt alright?" The guy told her, she straightened up again and replied "ok, yeah"

She then focused her strength on her feet and bent down a little so that she could really exert strength on her feet while the guy took hold of her shirt behind.

"Ok, 1....2....3!" She rose from her lowered position and took a big step forward, at the same moment the doors opened. With a loud thump she overbalanced and fell face first to the floor.

For a moment, there was a deafening silence. The action happened so fast that she was wide eyed and just stayed there in shock. She processed what happened and only then did she remember that message from the speakers.

"Attention to all passengers, we sincerely apologize but due to technical issues we have to stop the train, the doors will open in a minute and you will be escorted to the next station closest here" She also realized now that the guy had let go of her shirt at the same moment the doors opened.............

A snort brought her back to the present where she was still laid flat against the floor and looked up at him.

"You're welcome kid" He said as he suppressed a laugh while getting out of the train.

"I'm not a kid!!"


"Jamie! Here!" A redhead at the far end of the cafe next to the windows waved enthusiastically when she saw her friend enter.

Jamie sat down in front of her friend grumpily.

"Woah, what happened to you?"

"Just some kid giving me a bad day" She let out an exasperated groan and rubbed her face with her hands.

"God, that was so embarrassing" she continued to groan now hiding her face in her hands.

"Well? Are you just gonna complain and not tell me the whole story?" Gwen asked, eager to hear the story. And so Jamie told her the incident this morning with the guy on the train. By the end of it Gwen was laughing so hard she had trouble breathing.While the people near them jumped from the sudden loud laugh.

After a few minutes of laughing at her friend's fate, Gwen calmed down a little.

"Ha- how did you even get out of there alive and not just died from embarrassment?" She managed to say before she started to laugh her ass off again. Jamie just groaned and hid behind her hands.

The whole cafe was looking at the two of them but the girls didn't notice at all since one of them was so busy laughing like there's no tomorrow she even had trouble breathing while the other was drowning in embarrassment.

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