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new year's —
12. drunk conversations

saturday, 8pm - san francisco time

real life

     "We're gonna be late."

It was already eight pm, Kira and Blair were still at Kira's home getting ready to their friend's concert. Kira was always late to things, to school, doctor's appointment or even a dinner, it didn't matter, she always late. Blair was the complete opposite, she didn't like to be late for things, she liked being there earlier and the fact that they were supposed to be there at eight and it was now eight, was making Blair super pissed.

     "Blair, it's chill. The concert it's only at eight thirty." Kira dismissed the subject and started to tie her shoelaces.

     Blair rolled her eyes and started to pack Kira's things like her phone, analog camera, money, her gum - Kira always had a gum in her purse, to make up some time. Kira managed to get ready and walked up to Blair who was waiting for her at her bedroom's door with Kira's things on her hands.

     "Do you know that you are my best friend?" Kira smiled at took her gum and her things from Blair's hands.

     Blair shook her head, smiling. "I don't know how's that possible."

Both best friends laughed and left the bedroom. They passed the living room, where they said goodbye to Kira's parents and left the house, where they got in the car and went to the small concert hall of their friends' band. They sang to Blair's spanish songs, even though Kira is spanish, from her mother's side, she knew very little of it, quickly forgotting it when her mother taught her, so it was always funny when Blair tried to teach her some things with songs.

They managed to arrive on time and went backstage, where her friends were tunning the instruments already.

     "You managed to show up, I'm proud of you." Elliot said as soon he saw his sister came in. Kira faked a smile and gave him her middle finger. Her brother rolled his eyes and gave her the middle finger back.

     "You two are so mature, it pains me." Marcus said.

     "Shut up." Kira quickly answered and ruffled his hair, against Marcus protests.

The group fell into conversation but soon Kira, Blair, Leo and Daisy, Elliot's now girlfriend, left the band's dressing room because they were minutes away to perform. The group left to go to the first rows of the concert hall, waiting for their friends to come in. Kira snapped some pictures of the place, on her phone and analog camera and when their friends got up on stage, playing the first chord, everyone screamed with enthusiasm and started singing immediately. Flynn played the bass, Lucas guitar and also was the lead singer, Marcus the guitar and Elliot on the drums.

Kira saw her friends being the happiest on stage and was so proud of them, proud of everything they ever have accomplished, they weren't the most well known band, but they didn't care, they were happy the way they were. She also saw Blair dancing with Daisy, making the girl feel welcomed to their group of theirs and Leo snapping a few pictures of them. Kira decided to record them, their friends band in the background and also took some analog pictures too.

Kira felt the happiest in these moments, she was grateful for everything that life gave to her, her family, friends, her job, even her classes, she thanks the universe everyday for these moments. She's lucky, she knows.

     "Are you okay?" Kira focused on who was talking to her and saw that it was Leo.

     "Oh yeah, I'm good. Was just feeling the moment." She gave him a smile.

new year's, drew starkey ✓Where stories live. Discover now