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"There's not enough seats," I told Cain, who was already blasting music from the stereo of my dad's car. "You know that right?"

"How many are we short?" Cain looked towards the back, his eyes floating over the already occupied seats. "Two?"

"At least," I muttered, putting the car into drive. I took one last look at Olivia's house, where I had picked the group up from. Her house looked like every other house on this block, gigantic and new.

"Well I can sit on Noah's lap," Olivia chimed out from the back, and I wanted to roll my eyes at how obvious her statement was. She'd probably sit on his lap anyway, because they didn't seem to be able to function without being all over each other.

"That still leaves us short one seat," I mumbled out,  quickly making sure the road was clear before I pulled onto it.

I had a feeling what the next words out of her mouth would be.

"Why can't Seren just sit this one out?" She asked the car, in her bubbly voice that didn't quite cover her jealousy.

"Olivia," Noah muttered, I could barely hear the words from where they were in the back of my car. "That's not nice."

"What?" She huffed out, "I'm just saying. She couldn't even be bothered to meet us at my house to be picked up."

"Wasn't Seren the one who came up with the idea of spending the weekend at the lake house?" Carter's voice was slightly panicked, and everyone knew why.

"Carter," Trinity spoke, the pity evident in her tone, "when are you going to realize that you and Seren are never going to happen?"

I shook my head at her words, though I agreed with her, I still felt the jolt of embarrassment on on Carter's behalf. Though, it seemed I was the only one. Cain chuckled instantly, covering his mouth like the laughter had slipped out accidentally. Jax, Tyler and Benji, however, their laughs of amusement flew freely from their chests.

"Shut the hell up," Carter barked out, and I flicked my eyes towards him through the review mirror. He was trying to hide it, but he was turning bright red.

"If there's no chance of me and Seren, why did she ask me if we could all hang out at my lake house?" He asked the question like that singular piece of information was proof that he and Seren would get married.

"You really are an idiot," Olivia laughed out, "I sent that text from her phone. She didn't even seem excited to come, so if we're out of seats, she can stay here."

"Shut up, Olivia," Jax's voice rang out, though it was tenser than it usually is. "We're not leaving her behind. Zane, let's go get her."

I rolled my eyes, a surge of annoyance ringing through me. Did he really think I'd leave her?

"Fine," Trinity muttered, "but she's not sitting on me, and I'm not sitting with any of you perverts."

"Sweet," Benji let out, and even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was smiling.

"Dibs!" Tyler yelled quickly, and my fingers gripped themselves over the steering wheel as that annoyance turned to anger.

"Tyler!" Trinity whined, and I heard the sound of her batting his arm.

"See, you don't want to get your girl upset," Jax spoke like he couldn't be happier at the situation. "She can sit with me."

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