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And that was possibly the
most infuriating thing of all.

The next day, my hangover making my stomach feel extremely strange and my demeanour sluggish, I walked into the temporary apartment we had for two nights during our stay in District Six. It was a moderately decorated room, with green and brown accents that reflected the district of lumber.

The district was scattered with a plethora of trees, lulling me into a false sense of comfort. Nature was always a fascinating subject to me; back home there were no trees and the only nature that could be seen was the water in the hydro dam, so the fresh air and ambience of this district was a comfortable change.

Even the room was calm and serene — the emerald green and brown furniture the opposite of jarring to the eye as it usually was.

Today, I'd be shown around the district, meet some workers and take part in so many interviews my cheeks would hurt from the false smiling. But I loved it.

I loved it because it meant my goal was ever-closer. I would finally be free of Snow. All I had to do was not mess up.

"Did you take the pills on your desk?" Jameson looked up from the sofa.

"Hmm. Thank you."

He smiled. "Wasn't me, it was Yvette."

Last night was a mismatch of events all scrambled in my brain to make a story that didn't make sense. I remember talking to Yvette and overhearing some Capitol officials... but other than that, not much. My searing headache wasn't helping matters either. Was the drinking even worth it; the exhilaration of forgetting the problems that plagued me? I wasn't sure. Perhaps I'd have to do it again, just to make sure.

"How do you feel?"

"Like shit."

"I'll bet," he scoffed. "You were in a proper state last night."

"I'll take your word for it."

Neither of us said anything for quite a long time. While Jameson was flicking through a newspaper of sorts, I was attempting to remember the events of the previous night, however I found my memory completely blank — almost as if it had been wiped against my will. Maybe drinking that much wasn't worth it if it hindered my performance.

I had to be an actress. Calm. Collected. That was if I wanted Snow to hold up his end of the bargain and grant me my freedom.

I was almost smiling at the idea of it.

"You did a decent job, kid," Jameson said suddenly. At my confused expression, he continues. "Cameras caught you and Finnick on the balcony."

I blinked. "Caught what?"

"This," he said as he flipped a small device in his hand around to show Finnick and I, faces dangerously close on the balcony. Suddenly the memories filtered back in, as though they'd been locked behind an door and had all poured out at once.

What the hell was he doing?

But a closer inspection revealed that I was the one leaning into him, I was the one that wore a smug expression, while Finnick looked completely shocked at what was happening. Did we kiss?

"The Capitol are going wild, apparently. Already making rumours and collecting evidence and the like. People are even editing photos to make it seem as though you were kissing — which only helps our situation, doesn't it?"

I nodded in relief.

"Well done, kid."

"Yeah, they were hiding in the bushes," I lied easily. Were there even bushes by that balcony? There must have been, right?

𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗟𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞 ᐅ 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙞𝙧Where stories live. Discover now