4. Evergreen Manor

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The room was still dark when Skylar was jolted awake by the creak of the door. She sat up on the bed and rubbed her eyes. Her mind was still half asleep, and she didn't fully understand why she was awake in the middle of the night.

"Make her ready for the journey and be swift about it," a cold voice commanded.

Skylar managed to open one eye. Her maids were rushing into the bedroom, getting her clothes ready and drawing the curtains. The sky outside was still black, without any hint of dawn. She turned to look at Gawyn. He was standing at the door, clad in his perfectly pressed army uniform, with no traces of sleep on his handsome face.

"It's still the middle of the night," she protested weakly, trying and failing to suppress a yawn. "I thought we were supposed to get up at dawn."

"No. I said we move out at dawn, pay attention. And to do that, you need to get up right now." The General turned his unforgiving grey eyes to the maids again. "And make sure she eats her breakfast." 

He turned on his heel and left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Gods, what a slave driver," Sky groaned, falling back on her pillow.

"You have to get up, my Lady," said Maia, her chief maid, taking away a duvet. "Lord General was most insistent that you should be ready before dawn."

Skylar grumbled grudgingly but let the maids lead her to the bathing chamber and do their job while she slowly came awake. After a while, Maia brushed her hair, looking at her in the mirror with a knowing smile.

"What?" Skylar asked, raising her brows.

"You look tired, my lady. I presume the wedding night was... eventful?"

Skylar gritted her teeth. Sometimes she regretted always talking with her maids plainly like that. Aurora would never let the servants speak to her this way. "It's not even dawn," she finally said. "Every normal person would be tired."

"Of course," Maia replied, but her playful smile revealed that she knew better.

Skylar rolled her eyes. Gawyn's warning came to her mind. She wasn't supposed to tell anyone that they were not sleeping together, not to raise gossip. She added dutifully, "I might be a little bit extra tired, though."

Maia giggled. "Lord General is a handsome man. You are fortunate, my lady."

"I wish people stop saying that," Sky said with a sigh.


The entourage waited in the central courtyard. The carriage was big and looked comfortable, although it was not as elaborate as some of the nobles' vehicles Skylar saw yesterday. A unit of six soldiers on high horses, dressed as impeccably as their commander, waited patiently for an order to move out. Gawyn was talking to the coachman. Skylar sighed and turned around to look at her home one last time.

Suddenly, she was closed in a tight hug by the storm of pink and laces.

"I will miss you so much!"

"I'll miss you too, Rori," Sky replied, patting her sister on the back. She was still upset with her, but there was no point in dwelling on that now.

"I've never been prouder, Skylar," Colart said, coming up to them and closing them both in a tight embrace. "You will be marvellous out there. I know you will."

Sky felt her eyes stung with tears. With all the whirlwind of preparations, she never had time to feel sad about leaving her family. And now, all the feelings hit her hard. 

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