Chapter 21 - Pièce de résistance

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I barely got over the threshold before Elian slipped out of my hands. He stepped back from me to pull his shirt over his head. My shirt was already gone, so we had a slight head start.

As we went through the motions of our usual routine. My body trembled with every touch, every kiss. I held tight to Elian, his arms, his back, his shoulders to stop my hands from shaking. I didn't want him to think I wasn't ready. I worried he might stop.

He asked several times, "Are you okay?" and "Is this alright?" as we progressed, making our way through the house to the bedroom. Every time, I affirmed my desire to continue until there was nothing left between us; we were on the bed and it was finally happening.

It was awkward at first, traversing this unfamiliar territory. I'd gotten somewhat accustomed to what we'd been doing. When new things started happening, my nerves kicked into overdrive. To compensate, I held him tighter, kissed him more fiercely.

As soon as Elian looked into my eyes, I forgot to be afraid. My nerves disappeared as I lost myself in him. Elian was so sweet and caring. He talked me through things I hadn't even considered worrying about. Putting on a condom, for example, and the importance of lubricant.

Still, regardless of the hiccups here and there, everything was perfect—or as perfect as a first time could be.

The second time was much better. It also lasted longer, which was a bonus.

Laying on the bed, tangled up in each other's limbs, Elian stroked my sweat-dampened hair. With my ear pressed against his chest, I could hear his accelerated heartbeat as he panted. It matched the frantic pace of my own.

"I get the hype now," I mumbled.

Elian's whole body shook as he laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

I lifted my head and looked into his hazel eyes. "I don't want this to sound weird or clingy, but I'm glad it was you."

Elian smiled and reached up to hold his hand against my face before leaning in for a tender kiss.

I folded my arms on Elian's chest, resting my chin on them so I could stare at his face. "You're so beautiful."

Elian rolled eyes. "You're just saying that because you're high on endorphins."

I shrugged. "Maybe I am. But I still mean it."

Elian nodded, sighing. "Well, thank you." He stroked his fingers up and down my arm, sending a shiver down my spine. "You're beautiful, too."

A red mark on Elian's shoulder caught my attention. I didn't recall seeing that before. "What happened?"

Elian flashed a wide, toothy grin. "You did that."

"What?" I stared at the semi-circular mark. "How?"

"You bit me." Elian said with a light-hearted snicker. "Do you not remember that?"

"Oh, my God!" Icy pangs of panic set into my chest. "Are you serious?"

"I guess you really did enjoy yourself if you don't remember." He seemed pleased about that.

"Does it hurt?" I traced my finger across the skin surrounding the mark. Now that I knew what caused it, I could almost make out the individual teeth marks. The skin wasn't broken, but it was very red.

"It's fine. It happens." Elian took hold of my hand. He lifted it to his lips and kissed my palm. "Anyway, I barely felt it. I was a bit preoccupied with other sensations."

"Any chance you might want to try again?"

Elian huffed, furrowing his brows in disbelief. "You want to do it again?"

I nodded.

"I'm sorry." He gave me a peck on the lips. "I'm way too exhausted for round three. I honestly can't believe you haven't passed out yet."

"I'm kinda wired, actually."

"Well, I'm about to fall asleep."

"Okay." I kissed his cheek and sat up on the edge of the bed, looking around for my boxers.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back toward him. "Where are you going?"

"The barbecue." I looked over at the digital alarm clock on the bedside table. "It started an hour ago."

"Shit!" Elian threw his hands over his face. "I forgot."

I laid down next to him, resting my hand on his chest. My fingers trailed down his abdomen to the mountains tattooed on his hip. He said they were a symbol for the obstacles he'd overcome, but he wouldn't elaborate. His body jerked as I traced the lines. It gave me a small thrill. "You don't have to go with me."

"I want to." He pushed my hair back off my forehead. "Besides, I'm dying to meet Michael and Terrence. They sound too good to be true."

"Honestly, with you on my arm, I couldn't give a flying fuck about them."

That was progress, right? Hatred to indifference. Maybe one day I might even reach tolerance.

He laughed and kissed me, running his fingers through my hair.

After I got up, I pulled him to his feet. "We should probably take a shower. We're both kinda sweaty and gross."

"Agreed." He kissed my shoulder and pointed a finger at my face. "But no funny business, mister. We don't have time."

I hung my arms around his neck, pulling him close. "There's always time for funny business, baby."

Elian laughed and pushed me away. He smacked my butt. "Get your adorable ass in the shower."

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