Escaping Monte Carlo

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The gain is running as fast as they can to get to the exit but the building goes into lock down.

Alex: Oh, no.

Skipper: Lockdown, eh?

Lexis: Great! Now we're locked in.

Melman: What do we do?

Gloria: All right, everybody, stand back I got this one.(try's to break down the metal wall but fails to) Never mind.

Skipper: Well, you only get one chance at a first impression.(uses a car key)

We hear a car horn and a big car rams into the wall breaking through the metal.

Everyone(except the penguins): Ahhhh!!! (They all get in the car)

Alex: What just happened?!

Gloria: Where are we? What is this?

Lexis: Where did you get this? I'm impressed.

Skipper: We call it the Luxury Assault Recreational Vehicle. (Pulls on a little car toy)

Car toy: The car goes vroom-vroom!

Skipper: Step on it, boys!

Private then makes the car go forward and Rico is steering the car. They pretty much destroy the casino and once they drive into the road an explosion happens and behind the smoke is Dubois.

Guard: Captain Dubois, I am so happy to see you! You will not believe...

Dubois: Get back, You fool!(smacks him) Your cheap cologne is obscuring the animal musk!

Guard: Oh, my face!

Dubois: (drops the guard and starts to sniff around like a animal. One of the guards is looking at her but the other guard smacks him making him to stop looking. Once she got the animals smell she could see where they have gone) Poor, poor animals. You should have never have left the forest. Now you deal with me.

Back with the main characters.

The main characters are still driving.

Skipper: Kowalski, signal the chimps to meet us at the rendezvous point with the Super Plane. (Kowalski sends a message to the chimps) Hotel Ambassador. Let's move it. (Honks on the car toy)

Melman:(he has his head out the window) Woo-hoo! (Hits his head on a sign) Ow! (Looks behind him to see Dubois and her team behind them) Huh?

Dubois: Voila, Giraffe at twelve o'clock.

Melman: Guys, we've got a tail.

King Julian: Paparazzi!

Skipper: Pedal to the metal, Private.

Private makes the car drive faster and King Julian opens the back of the car.

King Julian: Don't take any photos, please! Hi! Here I am! (Dubois shoots a tranquilizer dart at him now he talks in slow motion) Don't take... any... photos.

Mort: No more pictures! (Him and Maurice close the back of the car)

Alex: Medic!

Lexis: He's got hit with tranquilizer darts it should only last a few hours.

Skipper: ETA to rendezvous point?

Kowalski: Two minutes, 37 seconds, sir.

Skipper: Man your battle stations!

Lexis: What's my station?

Skipper: Keep watch behind us.

Lexis: Yes sir.

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