12 Oblivious

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These violent delights have violent ends.

William Shakespeare

What does grief smells like? Feels like? To him, it's like flesh burning and roasted coal. It burns his soul and he sees dying embers of his contentment as it ashen against what fate has bestowed upon him. Of the worst feelings in life, one is desperation-- how helplessly one has to surrender to circumstances sometimes.

The rain is pouring like flood from the sky and it reflects his mood-- disheveled and disheartened, overtaken by his sorrow. He opens his umbrella as he steps out of the hospital building, making his way towards the parking lot to his car. The wind feels like dragging the umbrella from his hands; he resists the strong tug of it.

On the opposite side of the road, he spots Banafsha with her phone pressed to her ear and using her purse as a shelter against the rain. From her drenched coat and damp hair sticking to her face, her annoyed expression is justified. She removes the phone from her ear, her lips moving in a seemingly act of talking to herself in frustration as she looks around, probably searching for a taxi. Mikael rushes towards her.

"Doctor?" he calls her across the road and honking cars. She looks at him. He covers the distance between them hurriedly, quickly bringing her under the shade of his umbrella.

"Mikael?" She lowers her purse from her head and inches closer to him, seeking shelter from the rain with him. "What are you doing here?"

"I had an appointment with Zimal's doctor. Are you leaving for home?"

"My shift just ended. I'm unable to find a taxi."

"Come on, I'll give you a ride," he offers.

This time thankfully, she doesn't refuse him given the situation and follows him to his car. He opens the passenger seat door for her and she gets inside. He closes the door before walking around to the driver's side and getting in too, putting the umbrella on the back seat and turning on the heater. Banafsha quickly brings her hands in front of it and he notices her fingers shaking.

"You're cold," he comments and looks at her, a few damp strands still sticking to her face. He resists the urge to brush them back. "How long have you been out standing in the rain?"

"I don't know, but I seriously think I need to get my own car now." She rubs her hands together. "Excuse me if I don't act civil. I think the cold has frozen my brain."

He chuckles lightly at that and increases the heat. "I don't mind you, just so you know."

"Thank you for offering me the ride though. You couldn't have come at a better time." She brushes away the stray strands from her face and looks at him.

"I thought you'd deny me, like the first time," he jests and she grins with mirth in her orbs.

"Oh no, I couldn't. I was desperate this time. And you've proven to be an angel for me, like your name." She laughs softly at her own joke and he cannot help grinning either, the merriment in her eyes captivating him, replacing totally her previous annoyance and his sour mood.

"Mikael," she says and he tilts his head in query. "Like the angel of mercy," she clarifies. "Angel Mikael."

He just smiles at her and she smiles back, wrapping her arms around herself, trembling from the cold. Mindful of her soaked coat, he quickly takes off his own coat to offer her.

"You're shivering, doctor. Take off your coat and wear this."

She's swift to refuse, shaking her head. "Don't worry, I'm fine."

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