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Word Count: 1772

Mother stands before me, tears glistening in her eyes.

"You call me at every stop," she tells me firmly, her grip on my arms near painful. This is the first time I've left the house for more than a few days without her with me, and she's not taking it well, exactly.

"We aren't going to do much stopping," I assure her, I don't want to get onto the ground until my feet are touching Passion Pack soil. "But I will call you when we make it to the first hotel."

Mother looks over my shoulder, looking Lei over.

"There's rebellion in the Passion Pack, remember? You stay near the coast, not the inland. Understand?" she demands coolly, speaking to Lei as if she is behind my sudden desire to get away. I haven't told mother all of my reasons for wanting to leave, knowing she would spend too much time trying to convince me out of it, that I'm just being paranoid.

I just told her I'm sick of this weather, that I need more sunlight.

"You told me all this last night," I remind her, stepping back out of her grasp toward Lei's car. All my bags are packed, so it's too late for mother to try persist in convincing me to stay.

"Goodbye Mrs. Rivia!" Lei says loudly, trying to push me along.

Giving my mother one last wave, I hop into the car. Lei pulls out of the driveway almost immediately, signifying that this really is happening, that I'm getting out of here. The only thing I can't get out of my head is what Eryk said to me. There is no way he is going to be in the Passion Pack when I get there, right? He must have said that just to get a rise out of me.

Or at least that's what I'm telling myself in order to not change my mind about this trip. This is what Lei and I need to do. I'm just losing my mind.

"I can't believe we are doing this," I mutter, looking out the window at the flurry of snow that will soon vanish with the further we get out of this Pack. It's going to be a long drive, but I'll take anything to get out of here.

"It will be good for you," Lei assures me gently.

"I know," I sigh, resting my head back against the seat, wishing I could just close my eyes and when I next open them, we are in the Passion Pack, and I have nothing left to worry about. "I just feel like I'm leaving behind a lot of baggage."

"That's the idea..." Lei reminds me, grinning despite the dullness in her eyes. "It's going to be fun, okay?"


About five hours into our drive, the weather begins to sour.

Lei's hands are wrapped tightly around the steering wheel as she stares out the window, rain lashing violently against it. At this point there isn't much beyond the layers of rain aside from smudges of shadow and dark green. We are far outside our Pack now, the snow vanished, replaced by rain.

"This weather sucks," I mutter grimly, wrapping the blanket I bought with me further toward my chin.

"At least it's not snow," Lei admits.

Even so, it's still cold, and we are still nowhere close to the Passion Pack. In fact, we are going to have to find a motel to stay the night in on the way there, as it's impossible to cross to the opposite side of the land in one go. I just hope we can make it through this vicious weather.

"Careful, there's a lot of debris everywhere," I note, every swipe of the window wipers revealing the road in front of us, Lei having to swerve around the odd branch and patch of surface flooding.

"Storms are common in this area. Maybe we should park and wait for it to clear up," Lei says, having to raise her voice over the sound of the rain.

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