41| Building A House

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But by coincidence, Na Gu was carrying the prey he had just hunted back, and halfway through the way he met Heri who had also returned from hunting. 

When both of them went in the same direction, Na Gu remembered that Heri and the others had moved here, and suddenly didn't want to talk.

"Why do you smell a face?" The former patriarch was not afraid of Na Gu's stiff face, wondering if he was not satisfied last night.

"Where is Bai?" The wife was still sleeping, but Bai was not by Heri's side. Na Gu was afraid that he would be awakened.

He was probably thinking of a headache.

Heri frowned, "He's still asleep."

Last night, Bai ate all the nectar, and started crying for toothache in the middle of the night. He rinsed his mouth with salt water several times.

Tossing for most of the night before falling asleep.

Sure enough, he shouldn't leave everything alone to him, next time he must be cruel! 

The patriarch secretly made up his mind.

Na Gu was relieved when he heard that Bai was still asleep.

"Why would you take Xu Fei to Dahe Tribe?" As far as he knew, Na Gu and Dahe tribe should not know each other. 

He had met the patriarch of the Dahe tribe several times, and he was a swift and resolute person. 

The tribe with him entangled in the big river surrounded by water and abundance, is a ruthless character.

"The last time I went to change the salt, I met a few people from Dahe tribe on the road and invited Xu Fei and me to go." Na Gu concentrated on washing the prey in his hands.

So, why do you meet a few Dahe tribes, and they invite you to the tribe as a guest? Is there some process missing in the middle? Heri was speechless.

"That's right," Na Gu had forgotten to talk to Heri about the python. At this moment, the two were dealing with prey by the stream, and Na Gu told Heri about the matter again.

There must be a reason for the incident, but he don't know what happened in the depths of the rainforest, or whether these big pythons are tired of waiting in it, and he figured out to breathe.

Heri is no longer the patriarch now, and he is not in his turn to be the master of anything.

He can only hope that if something happens, the priest will find out sooner.

"Leave aside, do you plan to live in the cave all the time?" Heri recently moved here.

Before he started building a house, Bai chose the cave above Na Gu and clamored to live in it.

The cave is too high, it is not convenient to live in it, and the cave is cold.

Living in the summer is okay. Living in this way in the winter will freeze the bones. Bai is a squeamish crying nose again, and the picture is fresh now, it won't work if it's cold.

Heri reminded that Na Gu also remembered that in winter, he did plan to wait for summer to build a house. 

But later he installed a wooden door and made a tukang. When summer arrived, he forgot about it again.

This time Heri reminded that he also began to think about it. It's just that building a house is a big deal, and you must discuss it with your wife.

When Na Gu and Heri went back, they were seeing Xu Fei pouring vegetables underneath. 

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