Another World

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So, I haven't updated for a while, but I do have a good excuse. I was lucky enough to get to go to Sydney for OTRA so I have been a bit preoccupied (understatement!!!!) All I can say is... wow. Just WOW.

The guys were amazing (such incredible live singers, unlike some other people I could name) and Harry in particular was outstanding. His interaction with the crowd was a joy to behold - he spent the whole time waving to fans, blowing kisses, mimicking people... the guy is a born entertainer and oozes charisma from every pore. And his energy... wow!! Plus it was 34 deg C (that's 93 deg F). As Niall said, it was a sweatbox in the stadium, but it didn't stop Harry bounding, leaping, dancing and shimmying all over the place. He's a legend.

Watching him in action will hopefully prove very useful when it comes to writing some future chapters, he was so inspiring. Now I just have to stop looking at my photos and videos (even though they are pretty rubbish), and get writing!

I followed Paddy and Harry into a huge garage area inside the stadium where several large trucks were parked. They went through a door, and down a long corridor, and I had to walk very fast to keep up with them. We turned a corner and found ourselves outside a lift. Paddy pushed a button and the doors opened straight away.

"You're getting changed, right?" he said to Harry as we stepped into the lift.

"Nope, no time," said Harry. "I'm going like this. It'll give the kids an extra thrill."

"Your call," shrugged Paddy.

"I'm going to put the head on when I go in the room so it will be a surprise when it turns out to be me." He turned to me. "Emma, would you mind introducing me as Susie Squirrel from the Enchanted Forest?"

"Uh, sure," I said. Was that all he wanted me to help with?

"Thanks." There was that smile again. I actually understood what it meant to go weak at the knees.

The lift doors opened and we were in another long corridor, although unlike the previous one, which had concrete floors, this one was carpeted. Harry and I followed Paddy down the passage way for a short distance and through a set of double doors into a large lobby.

"They're in a room through there," Paddy said, pointing to another set of doors.

Harry pulled on the squirrel head, and then held out his hand towards me.

"Emma, can you help me out?"

"Of course." I was only too happy to hold on to his arm and guide him. Paddy opened the doors and we stepped through into a room full of people. They all turned to stare, and I suddenly felt nervous. Everyone was going to wonder what the hell was going on.

A big guy standing near the door, who looked suspiciously like a bodyguard, walked towards us, a frown on his face. Fortunately Paddy was next to me, and he gave the guy a thumbs up sign to let him know it was okay, we weren't loony gatecrashers.

"Introduce me as Susie please," Harry said under his breath.

"Uh, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, I'd like to introduce you to Susie Squirrel from the Enchanted Forest," I said, in as loud a voice as I could muster.

There must have been at least 100 people in the room, gathered around five tables. There were several kids in wheelchairs and a few with crutches or calipers. Lots of parents were standing around taking photos on their phones, and at the table closest to us I spotted Louis Tomlinson, a very puzzled look on his face.

"Hello everybody," called out Harry in a squeaky voice. "It's nice to be here today. How is everyone?"

"Fine thank you," called out a couple of children at the closest table. I looked around the room, and saw Liam Payne and Zayn Malik, who were sitting at separate tables surrounded by children, exchanging looks. They were clearly wondering what the hell was going on. At one of the other tables, Niall Horan was frowning.

Right Place, Right TimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ