
Hi my friends! No, I haven't disappeared, but I'm still busy as heck working all weekend. On the plus side, hey it's writing I get paid to do! :D


@Carolyn_Hill yup, money gives you the push and motivation. It's necessary too, yes. Waiting for your glorious return *trumpets blown*


That’s awesome! You’re a great writer:) Hope your work is something you enjoy. If so, it’ll be well worth it:)


@Carolyn_Hill I hope you are taking care of yourself. Stay healthy and safe, Carolyn ❤️


Hi my friends! No, I haven't disappeared, but I'm still busy as heck working all weekend. On the plus side, hey it's writing I get paid to do! :D


@Carolyn_Hill yup, money gives you the push and motivation. It's necessary too, yes. Waiting for your glorious return *trumpets blown*


That’s awesome! You’re a great writer:) Hope your work is something you enjoy. If so, it’ll be well worth it:)


@Carolyn_Hill I hope you are taking care of yourself. Stay healthy and safe, Carolyn ❤️


Dear friends,
          TL/DR: Work is crazy busy (in a good way, yay!). I love you all and will read your stories when I can. Writing will recommence this summer, work permitting.
          Long version:
          I've got a tidal wave of projects coming at me that means I'll probably have very limited free time from now until the foreseeable future. We're talking late nights, the works. I probably have an 80 hour week this week, for example. 
          Make hay while the sun shines, am I right? That's freelancing for ya. :D 
          Oof, this is going to be tricky for me in terms of Wattpad. I will try my very best to leave some time, but I'm afraid I can't make any promises I probably won't be able to keep.
          Realistically, this means the editing process for "Don't Look Back" will have to begin in the summer. Any further writing projects will need to wait until then as well. 
          In terms of reading, I will try to squeeze in an hour here or there, but this week I really need to focus big time. Hopefully next week I can schedule in a bit of reading because there are so many lovely stories, ahhh! And I believe in giving back to the people who have helped me. 
          Just remember: You aren't forgotten and I haven't lost interest. It's Mount Doom's fault!
          Thanks for your patience. Happy reading and writing!
          -- Carolyn


@Carolyn_Hill  Those are tough hours to work! Best of luck!


@Carolyn_Hill Take care. Stay healthy and hydrated ❤️


@Carolyn_Hill good luck with 80 hour week ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ keep yourself hydrated 


Once again, I have an urgent deadline by Friday followed by another one on Monday, so I'll be taking a little break. :) But I'll be back!


*sigh* Here I was all excited to transform "Don't Look Back" into a novel only to discover the story already pretty much exists. Only it's much better. And it's been released on Netflix. So I'm going to relegate it to the slush pile and try again with another story.
          Nothing new under the sun, is there?


@iichicoii Don't worry! I was just a bit upset at first, but upon reflection I think you're right. I just need to think of a fun way to shake things up and make it more interesting. 
            On another note, how did your midterms go? Hope school is going well for you and you're enjoying success after all your hard work. 


Damn sister! I took a break off wattpad to focus on my mid terms in college and this news is what I come back to?? Well, you were already contemplating the Helena and Ian type of arc so why not go in a different direction like that?? Hope you're taking it well ;)


@Carolyn_Hill — There are finite story themes and structures, but adding our own elements and twists makes common plots and tropes unique.


I'm having writer's you know what I mean? When you so intensively focus on something that when it's over you kinda feel a bit depressed or whatever because you're not writing anymore? What's up with that? 


@Carolyn_Hill Same here, it's driving me crazy sighs.


@Carolyn_Hill  Ah! Got the song lyrics for you "It's so hard/ to say goodbye/ to yesterday' by Boyz2men. Musical instinct, LOL! I remember events by music. I sung that in college. Guess every writer doesn't really want to say "The End" ... *chuckles* but in a way its an accomplishment to say the story is now done. However, this does not mean it is the end for so and so characters. I like to expand it a little in some of my stories. I was chuckling when a reader noticed a famly resemblance in my novels. "Never say goodbye!" That's what I think about, so no matter what your characters might "show up again" in your mind!


@Carolyn_Hill it's the will need time to get out of the mood of that project. It's much like real life relationships. You need time to release it


Here it is, my friends! The final chapter of my ONC novella, "Don't Look Back" is here at last, and with that the story is complete! Now it needs a lot of polishing and editing, and I may need to rewrite some parts, but you can't edit a blank page! We're done!
          So if you were waiting for it to be complete before you begin, now's your chance to sink your teeth into this second chance romance.
          Would anyone be interested in a plain expansion of the novel? That is to say, without a paranormal element? 
          Please let me know if there's anything you'd like me to add or change! Thanks for your support!


@Shivran86 @Queen_of_life_Heba I haven't been able to decide whether to add paranormal elements or not. It might add a fun subplot, but it might also take away from the main storyline.  So I'm not sure where I stand on that. However, I think I might like to expand it into a novel one way or another if there's interest.


@Carolyn_Hill It's already such a beautiful story and I think paranormal elements will definitely make it even more intriguing. No matter what, I will read this no matter which direction you take this story into. 


@Carolyn_Hill I am up for a plain expansion, but how come paranormal enters here?!


I'm debating changing tack slightly when I expand the novella into a novel (assuming I do that at some point). I'm thinking the following formula/arc, and I'd like your feedback:
          Ian/Sylvia: strangers --> platonic friends --> estranged acquaintances --> lovers
          Ian/Helena: best friends --> roommates --> FWB --> best friends
          Tomorrow is the last update and DLB is complete!!! YAY!


@Shivran86 Oh, gosh! I hope you're okay, my friend. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Of course, family always comes first. I look forward to catching up with your story too. ♥ It's a wonderful story that has captivated my heart.


@Carolyn_Hill a family emergency has hit due to which I will have to be off Wattpad till like 25th or so of Feb. I will catch up after this situation solves itself. But I really wish I do get time to read between all these ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


@iichicoii Oooooh, hellz yeah! That would be a good idea! You mean Ian x Helena that goes from best friends to FWB after a bad breakup for them both and then a second chance at love while their friendship turns to romantic lovers?