R e j e c t i o n

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Hey Hotline Girl..
Hello ?
U there ?

Yeah, I was just thinking about you..

Really ?!

Yeah, and I was laughing..

Oh no..

Yep..the way, Lilliana just said no when you asked her out was epic !

Thanks for reminding me..

Aww..poor guy..

Is that..sympathy ?


Wait, did I just melt your heart, love ?

Don't get ahead of yourself Sparrow..

So..what do I do ?

I don't know..don't try to propose Lilliana again..

God ! Your comments are toxic..

You are toxic !

Anyway..how do I make her..you know fall for me..?

Don't you have mad flirting game, don't you ? So, come on..do it yourself..

If I could, I would, don't you think ?

Okay. Let me think. How about...no ?

What ?

I can't do that to Seth.

You're still hung up on that ?

Come on ! Seth had told me, he totally likes her.

You know Seth..?

Wouldn't you like to know ?

Come on ! Hotline Girl !

You're desperate..and clingy..shut up..

God girl !

Whateves. Anyway, I am at the library, so stop texting me. Those text 'pings' are making the librarian mad.

You're at the..library..?

Uh..yeah ?

You're a nerd ?

Wouldn't you like to know ?

I would actually..

Sorry, we don't serve stupid people..

You hurt me, Hotline Girl..

Get lost !


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