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The deterioration of Bobby Townsend was the talk of the school when Aria arrived that morning. Apparently he'd caused a scene at a party  which had sent alarm bells to some of the people, those alarm bells were echoing louder now. Bobby was walking around with his hoodie covering his face and his hands shoved in his pockets, seeming as if he doesn't belonged. Since Julie and Maya were keeping away Aria found Rebecca by her locker and signaled for them to meet in the library minutes before their separate classes. Rebecca looked concerned when she stepped around the corner of the female literature aisle but managed to shoot Aria a smile anyway. 

"Have you seen how Bobby looked this morning? He's a ticking time bomb." Aria informed her silently. 

"I know, I was at the party where he'd started yelling and screaming, his friends had to escort him out. I really think that one text had him spooked they had been caught, this will be the perfect time to steal his phone and look through it." Rebecca concluded.

"I say we take it for an hour tops so that he doesn't get suspicious, plus whatever we find on there we want the police to be able to use it. If they know we stole his phone that's all they'll focus on." Aria explained.

The two stared at each other with intense eyes and suddenly began giggling. All of the pain that had been caused because of these teenage boys was about to end soon. Aria was glad that she'd stuck to the plan instead of running to the police right away, who knows where the case would've landed had she done that. She was also glad to have gotten to know Rebecca, the person she'd previously been so jealous of without knowing her story. 

"I don't know much about Bobby's schedule but I believe he has gym class after lunch, that'll be the perfect opportunity to steal it." Aria suggested.

Rebecca nodded but kept silent for a while. Her wheels were turning as she looked to device a plan how it would work. 

"You should leave this to me. All I need you to do is keep a lookout while I take pictures of whatever he's got on his phone, text me if someone is coming. Can you do that?" Rebecca asked.

"Of course I can," Aria looked down at her watch that informed her it was time to go to class, "we have to go to class now." 

As the two scattered in different directions Aria hoped that their plan would be working because whatever Bobby was freaking out about had to be more than the text message sent by them. It made Aria wonder how many more girls were suffering in silence and if those were the girls that Bobby was worried about.

When she joined the crowd each heading to their classes Aria spotted friend clique's walking together and laughing but she was missing her own clique. After this year there would be no more walking to class together or locking eyes with either of them during it, so if she didn't win them over now there was a chance they would miss out on the few occasions they had left.

In the far distance Aria spotted the people she longed for so desperately. They were talking intently but didn't look to be laughing much. With the little courage she had Aria stalked over to her friends in hopes that they had begun missing her enough to let her back in, but the second she became visible to them their faces turned sour.

"Hi you guys, are you ready for class?" Aria smiled. 

Julie and Maya shared a nod that worried Aria, that meant they had been talking negatively about Aria without her knowledge. With Maya and Julie this type of drama had never been an issue and it saddened her that in their last year of high school they weren't as close as before - and it was all due to Aria and Rebecca's secret plan.

"Maybe we should just tell her--" Julie sighed to Maya.

"Not now, not right before class--" Maya protested but Julie shrugged.

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