I Know

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I hated hospitals for so many reasons, but the smell was the worst.

Still, I couldn't leave. And I didn't want to.

When Olivia had started shaking uncontrollably in my car, I'd almost lost my shit. It'd taken everything in me not to let go of the steering wheel to hold her.

She's severely starved and dehydrated, the doctor had said.

And as I impatiently sat in the waiting area, it dawned on me that Olivia hadn't looked herself, and I noticed that from the time I saw her at the funeral.

Her father's arrest must have hit her in all the wrong places.

But I also wanted to blame Gideon Pierce so hard. He was the one who'd spent all that time with her while I was away. The man was a douche, and I'd also learned he was a hard ass at work, no wonder Olivia hardly had any time to think about herself.

A series of giggles pulled me out of my thoughts. Right across from me sat a trio of teenage girls in clothes that seemed way beyond their age. Were skirts supposed to be that small?

The prettiest of them smiled at me and waved. Might I add extremely flirtatiously.

Offering her a tight lipped smile, I stood and picked up my jacket. I didn't feel like getting arrested tonight.

I walked into the quiet hallway and made a few calls to keep myself busy. As I finished my last one, I heard that familiar annoying tone.

Olivia's mom had arrived.

"Lorraine, just make sure that meeting happens. I need it to happen, pronto."

"Yes, Shay—" I hang up before my PA could finish. She'd improved greatly in last few weeks, but I couldn't let her know that.

Mentally preparing myself, I walked back into the waiting area, and found the source of disturbance.

"Ma'am, you have to understand that you can't see her just yet. The doctor will be back soon, and then you can talk to him," the nurse at the front desk pleaded with the beautiful woman.

"If you don't let me see my child right now, I will burn you to the ground." Her loud and authoritative tone had already attracted several people in the waiting area.

"You can talk to the person who brought her in. The doctor already talked to her."

The nurse pointed towards me, and when the scornful woman turned to me, a horrified gasp left her mouth.


I saw the intent in her eyes as she stomped towards me, dress swishing against the floor, and when her hand lifted to hit me across the face, I caught her slender wrist.

"Unhand me this very moment!"

"As soon as you stop making a scene, Mrs. Ryans. This isn't about me or you, it's about your daughter. I can only tolerate so much from you, but don't tempt me, please."

A dozen emotions crossed her face, and when I was sure she wasn't going to go ape shit on me, I let her go.

"What happened and why are you here?" she asked spitefully, intent to kill in her light green eyes.

Though Olivia was young and absolutely stunning, her mother was clearly the source of some of her features.

"I was invited to the ball as well. Olivia didn't look so good, so I brought her here."

A lot of shit got skipped, but it didn't concern her.

"What did the doctor say?"

"She's severely starved and dehydrated. At the moment, they're running a few more tests."

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