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12. Beach diaries

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"So I guess we will have to cancel the plan of skinny dipping, given boss is joining us too," Caleb joked, winking at me and my mouth hung open in surprise.

Were we going to do skinny dipping?

"Don't scare her jerk," Daniel smacked him on his head, earning an annoyed grunt from him.

"Ok kiddos, I'll have to leave. Rebecca needs some help," Alessandro stood up and put on his t-shirt.

"Who is Rebecca?" I asked.

"His girlfriend. Remember, the girl he came with at the party," Daniel said. I nodded my head in recognition.

After he left, all three of us lay down on the soft sand, admiring the beautiful view.

"Ok so when will I get the chance to see you out of this poncho?" Caleb said, propping himself up with the help of his elbow so that he could face me.

"Ok it's almost 2 right now so what about ... Umm ... Never," I said, sticking my tongue out.

I heard ear-splitting laughter from Daniel.

"Dude, you got insulted by this little kitten," he managed to say between while laughing.

"Heyyy. . . I am not a little kitten," I huffed.

"Whatever you say, kitten," he said, biting his lower lip to stop himself from smiling.

I would have replied if it was not for the loud groan from somewhere behind us.

"What are you doing here?" Daniel's face suddenly hardened when he realized the presence of Katherine who was standing near the door in a blue cross-front bikini top and high waisted denim shorts.

"It's easy Dan. She is here because boss is here," Caleb suggested.

"Don't waste your limited brain cells, Cal. Just go back to whatever the crap you were doing before," she said, moving towards the water and swaying her hips slowly.

When she reached the brim, she stripped out of her shorts, leaving her in matching underwear. I didn't fail to notice the way Daniel's eyes darkened for a bit before he concealed it and stood up.

"I need to use the restroom," he told us and walked back to the beach house.

"What's up with him?" I asked.

"Don't worry. He is going for a cold shower," Caleb commented and turned his attention back to Katherine who was swimming gracefully.

Why would he take a cold shower in the winter? I thought in confusion.

"Come on, let's swim," Caleb stood up and dusted the sand particles off his shorts. His muscles rippled with every movement.

"No, I am fine," I hesitated.

"Sweetheart, I'll count up to five and then throw you in the water myself," he threatened. I just shrugged in return.

I had no idea that he was serious until I saw him lean down and pick me up in his arms.

"Put me down, you freak," I screamed at the top of my lungs but he ignored it. I struggled with my legs and arms but his hold was stronger. My struggles automatically stopped when he flung me into the ice-cold water.

"Perfect," Caleb muttered; he was still standing at the edge.

My blood boiled despite the coldness of the water and I swam back to where he was standing. He was not prepared for my attack so when I pounced at him to throw him into the water, he lost his balance and gripped my wrist and that's how we both ended up in the water.

"I had no idea you are so strong," Caleb exclaimed when we resurfaced after our dive.

"Neither did I.", I gave him a sheepish grin.

Suddenly, I felt someone's gaze boring holes in my back. I turned around, only to find Hayden looking at us with cold, raging eyes. His jaw was clenched tightly and that's when I noticed our position.

Caleb and I were standing too close to each other in the water and his hand was still clasped around my wrist.

Pulling my hand away, I swam back, my face was flushed due to embarrassment.

But when my eyes met Hayden's body, my cheeks started to burn because of another reason. He was just wearing boxers and his tanned chest was on full display.

His body was sculpted perfectly and I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. When he crossed his arms in front of his chest, his biceps bulged out and I gulped. My eyes travelled lower to his defined abs and the trail of hair going downwards.

I forced my eyes back to his face where a scowl was etched. Before I could explain to him our position, he moved back and slumped on the folding beach chair.

Ignoring his hard glare, I stripped out of the poncho and wrung my hair with the help of a towel. I could feel his heated glance travelling from my head to toe.

"God bless my eyes," Caleb said when he stepped out of the water and his eyes raked over me.

Rolling my eyes at him, I sat down on the sand again and watched Katherine make her way back to Hayden, running fingers along her hair seductively. Somehow, the neckline of her bikini had moved lower than before.

"Slut," Caleb muttered under his breath, earning a middle finger from her.


The next few hours passed just like that, with Hayden's hard glares, Katherine's eye rolls and Caleb's flirtatious remarks. Daniel had returned from the beach house an hour ago and his mood was unpleasant. I caught him stealing glances at Katherine, who was getting a little too cozy with Hayden.

"Ok, time for dare and dare," Caleb announced when the sun started to set.

"Isn't it supposed to be truth or dare?" I asked, scrunching my nose in confusion.

"No V, we don't play that because we don't speak truth," he said and asked Hayden to play the game which he bluntly reclined.

"What are you? Highschool kids?" he snorted.

"Please brother. It's the only day in the month when we can live a normal life," Caleb requested, giving him his puppy dog eyes. Finally, Hayden gave up and walked towards us, followed by Katherine.

We arranged ourselves in a circle. I was sitting between Caleb and Hayden. I could feel the warmth radiating off Hayden's body and I fought the urge to inhale his fascinating cologne.

"Ok let's start. Just a little information---, all the dares are written on chits in this bowl", he said, showing a bowl which was holding many colored chits.

Caleb spun the bottle and it stopped at Daniel. He picked up a chit and placed it on the sand.

"Oh Dan, looks like you have to kiss Katherine," Caleb said, his lips set in a smirk. I didn't miss the way two pink spots appeared on Katherine's face.

I expected Daniel to refuse but he didn't. Instead, he leaned towards Katherine and his lips descended on hers.

It was supposed to be a short peck but he didn't bother to stop. It looked like he was devouring her with his mouth. When the kiss started to become too heated, Hayden coughed loudly, making them jerk apart. Their faces were reddened like a tomato.

I would be lying if I said that it didn't hurt watching your crush kiss another girl. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. But Caleb chose to ignore it and spun the bottle again.

I bit my lips in fear when it stopped at me and Caleb passed the bowl to me. I opened the chit and a gasp left my mouth after reading it.

"Straddle the person sitting on your left for a whole minute."


If you need any help in buying coins and all, DM me.

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