44. Life's Pause Button Found Defective

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Oliver cleared his throat.

Which Andie ignored. Sort of. Flying dogs and the inverse nature of the universe notwithstanding, a sense of dread gnarled its way up her spine and lodged itself like a knot in the back of her neck. It was time to leave and do bad things. Very bad things.

"Hi, Oliver. You look well." Sterling shone her glowy perfection on Oliver, giving him the once over.

Andie pushed down a powerful desire to conk Sterling over the head with her desk—one of the few surviving objects in the office. Andie rubbed her sore neck, trying to calm herself. She'd thought the moon's influence had subsided, or she'd gotten used to it. Or maybe even bested it. It was still there, but as more of a constant, low-level ache than an overwhelming desire to kick her best friend's ass for boyfriend gawking. Ex-boyfriend gawking. "No thanks to your drones," Andie grumped.

Sterling pressed her lips together. "I'm glad there was no permanent damage."

Andie pushed down a powerful desire to conk Sterling over the head with her desk—one of the few surviving objects in the office. Andie rubbed her sore neck, trying to calm herself. She'd thought the moon's influence had subsided, or she'd gotten used to it. Or maybe even bested it. It was still there, but as more of a constant, low-level ache than an overwhelming desire to kick her best friend's ass for boyfriend gawking. Ex-boyfriend gawking. "I'm glad my drones didn't do any permanent damage."

Oliver looked down at the street where the dead drones were scattered, piled up amongst the abandoned cars—a metallic graveyard. "I wish I could say the same for them, Miss Champagne."

"Me too. But we'll rebuild. They had faulty programming anyway. And I'm sick of jellyfish." Sterling smiled at Star. "I think we'll go for bat rays this time. Star's tail looks like it could be wicked."

"Oh, it can be," Oliver laughed. Star rewarded him with a canary glare.

"Hello, Mrs. Bank," Oliver said.

Andie should have introduced him to Rachel. This would be the first time she'd been able to see him. Andie hoped her mom wouldn't blurt out any "revelations" about future parenthood or the weird steak knife collection Andie had amassed as a child. Hey, they were so shiny! And serrated!

"Hello, Oliver. You are very handsome. I can see why Andie—" Andie elbowed her mom gently in the side.

"Mama, we should go," Andie said.

Sterling's jaw dropped. "You can't possibly be thinking of taking Mama with you," Sterling said.

Andie folded her arms across her chest. "Ster ..." Unfortunately, trying to look stern when you're a half a foot shorter than the person you're trying to intimidate doesn't work well.

"No. You cannot risk her life," Sterling sputtered. Andie could tell that although Sterling had given up on Andie staying, she had been mollified by the thought that Rachel would be there for her.

"She won't be risking her life. The contract she signed is invalid. The Gandulfians insist on the celebrities signing of their own free will. Right, Oliver?"

Pilot stood on his hind legs and glared at Oliver, who glanced back, then gave a quick nod in answer to Andie's question. The wind picked up, whipping through Oliver's straight brown hair. Andie longed to smooth it. Tug it between her fingers and bring his mouth ... What was she doing?

This had to stop. It had to be the moon messing with her libido.

Andie gritted her teeth and barred all thoughts of Oliver and his luscious lips and his cinnamon deliciousness.

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