Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

"Prime minster, we need to leave now." His head of security strode into the conference room where he still sat, awaiting news on the victims of the latest terror attack to strike the United Kingdom. There was no denying it now after the second bomb detonated.

"I'm not leaving," He shook his head, staring at one of three screens across from him. One was set to the national news channel on mute whilst the other two were tapped into the drone footage in real time. He was transfixed by the aerial footage of someone being dragged along the ground, his chest near bursting with the pride he held for his armed forces.

"Sir," His bodyguard began to protest, "Everyone else has been rounded up and moved to a secure location-"

"-I said no," He raised his voice, turning to look at his six foot four protector, "No terrorist is going to make me run and hide. Those-" He pointed to both screens where the new channel was replaying footage of civilians running from a train station and a small group of soldiers outnumbered and alone in the desert, "-are the people that need protecting, not me. I am perfectly safe here. Why don't you go and see what you can do for them instead?"

The head of security shifted uneasily on his feet. He had never been faced with this dilemma before. His duty was to protect the prime minster at all costs but he was also obligated to follow his orders when given them so he simply turned around and walked to the door. But instead of walking out he shut the door, leaving them alone in the room. Turning back around, he removed the gun from his holster before holding it in front of him and remaining by the door.

"My men will help the others, but I shall stay by your side." He stared straight ahead at the wall, ready for any attack should it arise.

"Thank you," The prime minister sighed before he rose to his feet and approached the screens to gain a closer look. It had been a while since Truro had contacted him with an update. Perhaps he should ring him to find out what was going on? Unless nothing was going on and his niece was still trapped, surrounded by insurgents, or she was- He couldn't think about it.

"You were in the military weren't you Richard?" He asked his bodyguard.

"Yes, sir, Army," The man replied, his chest inflating a little but his eyes never shifted from the wall.

"I suspect that you yourself were in similar situations as these men are now," He nodded to the screen with the drone footage. The bodyguard's eyes flickered across to the screen for a second before returning them to the wall. His military career had ended unwillingly, an injury that prevented him from serving.

"How would you proceed in this situation?" The prime minister asked, "My niece is down there so my decision making is somewhat impaired. I could use a fresh perspective on it from someone on the outside."

Richard swallowed as he looked at the screen again. He wasn't impartial though, he thought. He worked for the prime minister and despite the fact that he knew he was a decent man he couldn't be sure that he wouldn't be fired or replaced if he gave an answer that he was different to the one he wanted.

"Come on," the prime minister coaxed him, "What would you advise if you were stranded with no way out-"

Richard turned to his boss, "They're not stranded."

The prime minister frowned at him, "Well what would you call it? They're in the middle of the desert, outnumbered and with no way out."

"No, sir, what I meant is-" Richard stared at the prime minister's blank expression and realised that he didn't know, "You haven't been told."

12 Minutes (#2 in Military series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon