Chapter Twenty Emily: Sonnet 71

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There is this roller coaster in Tideland that after you get strapped in and go about a hundred feet in the air you come to the end of the track and you stop. Then the very tack that you are on rotates a full one hundred eighty degrees and connects to the rest of the track at a huge drop straight down, and after it lets you stare at the distance between you and the ground before you drop. That what it was like, first knowing that something was wrong, then everything changing, Then the drop. AG gave us our mission a month after Justin's funeral and since we were still pretty broken up about it and it just felt wrong without him. She gave us an easy one all we had to do is to take Aijhia Miller, the daughter of Geovanni Miller who is the leader of a very dangerous organization, from a holding cell in Las Vegas to a secret prison. While trying to get her to say anything about what her father can do or how far his reach goes.

When we went to pick her up she had found some way to get a phone call to an untraceable number we told Ag about it and she said that she was going to send her to a different location which turned out being the Regale building. Then we put a bag over her head and got her in the car after she tried to escape a few times we got on the road with her sitting between Haleigh and I in one car, hunter driving another with Tori and Max and Aaron in another. Went in the same direction for the entire drive following close behind each other. Then max and Aaron's car swerved and went into a ditch. Next these two people on motorcycles started driving next to us they pulled up to the driver and passenger seat then Shot them both. Making us almost crash thankfully Haleigh was able to steer us into a ditch, but they came back around with their guns trained on the car.

They stopped at the edge of the ditch and got off their bikes and I heard a helicopter in the distance. I was so glad about it thinking that AG had a chopper following us like she had done in the past it reassured my just knowing that all I had to do was hold them off. They were on either side of the car I gave Haleigh a nod and we opened the door and lunged at them. They obviously dodged the car door, but the first thing I grabbed was their gun and threw it to the ground. Then played with the blind spots in their helmet getting a few punches in their gut, but they didn't seem to be phased by a single one of them. Then they proceeded to kick my ass starting with punches in the face, stomach and a kick to the chest sending me the ground. The I grabbed handful of sand and threw it in their face then kicked the temporarily blinded helmet sending them on back a few steps. Then they took off his helmet revealing Nick's sarcastic face "I was being nice" he said. "well don't be" I snarled back. "Fine" he said with a shrug then a few seconds later I was face down in the sand with blood running from my nose and lip. I rolled over to see the helicopter land and the three of them climb inside then fly off.

Then Hunter and Tori pulled up with Aaron and Max already inside. The next thing I knew I was in AG's office with her starring me down. "what happened again" she said like she didn't believe us or didn't believe any of it. Hunter was done with it "GOD DAM IT WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS" he shouted. "We have got an agent in the hospital, a criminal on the loose, and your saying that the second and third best assassins in the western hemisphere are working for the most dangerous man in North America right now" She spat back. "I'm sorry if I am double checking" she said. Then AG's assistant walked in holding a stack of files, and the first think Max asked was if there was any news on Haleigh. She was still unconscious, but has become the only person in the world to get in the way of anyone in the Rena family and live. Then her assistant handed her the three files in her arms then left as fast as possible, and AG read the names on the files then looked at us. First, she drank the rest of her tea then took her mug and filled it with Whisky taking a big swig or two. She sat back down at her desk and reread the front cover of the files then drank a few more sips. "What is it now" Hunter said. "It seems that their contracts were not renewed at their demand" she said. "WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN" Hunter yelled. Tori took him by the wrist forcing him to sit down while AG finished her whiskey. "What does that mean" Tori asked nicely. "That means that we aren't in charge of or in control of the three of them" She answered. "The three of them?" Tori asked. "yes, Brey, Nick, and Daniel" she said starring at the files. "Here is what is going to happen, first you are going to try to convince Brey, Nick, and Daniel not to blow your covers, then you are going to infiltrate Mr. Miller's organization and destroy it, and after all of this is over you will be transferred to the CIA" she said. I asked her why would we be transferred and she simply said that our contracts were up and that it was time for us to move on. I left her office with an eerie feeling like this was not going to end well, but we knew exactly what we had to do.

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