Wed, Jan 4

539 46 2

i wanna scream so loud at so many people
that have been in my way, all my life
i wanna break those rocks in their heads
i wanna make their hearts shatter in my palm
i wanna see them beg for mercy
i wanna end their life in a blink of an eye
but before i could to that,
i would go and ask myself
"why am i in this circumtances?
why am i around these people?
are they worth my presence?"
and at the end of it all,
i know that i would just blame myself
for everything
it's just not fair to feel this way..
when everybody else's
been tearing my walls down
and not even ever bothered
to build again,
while i'm wondering who to blame
it's just not fair that the bad guys
always get what they want,
while i'm torturing myself
to get what i need
it's just not fair when
even the weakest person
got their faith with them,
while i'm questioning
of God's existence
i thought everything and everyone
would just stop acting cold toward me
.. but i was mistaken
it's soon or later then
i would end it myself
one way or another


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