Chapter Nineteen

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 Okay, another update! Whoop, whoop! So happy I could…this one was sorta long on Word, not as long as others, but that’s okay. I hope you’re happy now, and I’ll try to keep writing cuz a really exciting part is coming up. Right now my mom is baking a cake for my dad’s birthday. So, Happy Birthday, Dad! What an old man.

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Chapter Nineteen

♥            Astrid         ♥

And I let Charlie go because…?

But then again, why was I so worried about him? It wasn’t like it was his first time blowing up a bridge. Why did the possible presence of Jay freak me out so much?

I stared out across the water, rubbing my palms against the leather of my flying jacket in an effort to calm myself. Pierre had “borrowed” a boat from one of the docks, and as the sun began to rise more steadily, we were zipping along the water in the direction of Decrioux’s manor.

I found my eyes drifting towards the shore. Should we have heard Charlie’s explosion go off yet? I couldn’t tell; I didn’t know how long it would take him. Pierre stood at my side, putting an arm around my shoulders as I took a deep breath.

“You okay?”

Why was everyone asking me that lately?

“I’m fine,” I managed, the kaleidoscopic grey-blue eyes thing starting up again. I blinked hard. What was my freaking problem? I turned slightly to look into Pierre’s own mesmerizing green eyes, a smile slipping over my face in spite of my internal turmoil. Why was I so blind? Pierre was amazing, and he actually liked me back. He wouldn’t betray me.

And so I let his lips meet mine as the sun’s rays began to hit us.

“Ahem.” Josh coughed loudly. “Hate to break this up, kids, but we should be hearing Charlie’s explosion soon. We’re coming up to Decrioux’s cove thing.”

I broke away from Pierre, feeling the heat come up to my face but smiling at him. The small feeling of worry in the pit of my stomach started to grow again as I glanced back at the shore once more. What was keeping Charlie? Josh seemed to be thinking the same thing as he steered the boat. His knuckles were white as he gripped the wheel tensely, his eyes flickering over at me briefly.

I wished I had an answer to the question in his eyes. He was wondering what was going on between Charlie and I, but in truth, I didn’t know. Charlie was my best friend; it was only logical that he was so protective of me, right? He was like an older brother to me, and I was like a second younger sister to him.

The water moved swiftly beneath the boat, churning as Josh slowed on the accelerator and waited. Pierre was pulling a gun out of his bag, placing it in a hip holster at his side, tensely adjusting his belt and supplies. Waiting. I fingered my own gun, tucked inside the pocket of my jacket, and moved my feet restlessly. Waiting.


Josh met my eyes, but I refused to say what was plain on both of our faces. What if Pierre had been wrong? What if Decrioux and G7 had stronger surveillance than we thought? What if Charlie wasn’t going to set off the explosives because he couldn’t set off the explosives?

What if, what if, what if…

I was seriously considering drowning myself.


A colossal noise, a great roar of flame, and then in the distance we could see a massive ball of fire rise up into the sky, disappearing into a massive grey cloud. I laughed in relief, clutching Pierre as the water lapped against the boat. Maybe that bridge had been closer than we thought.

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