Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I'm the last one to wake up. Veda already has clothes layed out for each of us. She sits in front of the vanity doing her makeup. Melina sits on the bed. I stretch and stand up. Veda turns around, applying her eyeshadow.

"Good morning!" she says enthusiastically. "I've got stuff put out for you over there. You can shower if you'd like after Dylis is done." Shower? Man, this place has everything.

After a refreshing and much needed shower, I put on the clothes Veda has for me. It's just a plain and simple dark yellow v-neck (to match my eyes I suppose) and jean shorts. I put my sopping wet hair in a side braid so it doesn't get my back all wet.

When I walk out of the bathroom I see that all the guys are here too. And I can tell by the smell that some of them didn't shower (unfortunately).

"Hey Lil," Ajax greets me. I wonder if he knows that he was drunk last night.

"We're all going to go to breakfast now," Veda says. "Make sure you have your ID cards from yesterday." I grab mine from off of the floor and shove it into my pocket. Then we all head out of the hole and off to the cafeteria.

I decide to stay barefoot. Veda had offered me a new pair of shoes, but I declined. The dirt feels nice against my feet, like a little massage. I pay no mind if dirt gets in my nails. I see that all of they guys are barefoot as well...well besides Misto, whose tennis shoes are completely thrashed from the day before.

The cafeteria ladies gives each of us what looks to be a bowl of oatmeal and some sort of bright red, then asks for our IDs. I hand mine over a bit nervously, but she only gives it and my eyes a quick glance before letting me pass.

We sit at the same spot as yesterday and eat our mush. Then Calix tells us what he plans on us doing today.

"I think I'm going to take y'all to the AMTA today," he says taking a sip of his drink.

Skytus nearly does a spit take. "You want to take them to the AMTA?! Why on earth would you want to show them all that? They just got here!"

"What's the AMTA?" Velotz asks. I haven't heard him speak in a while. He hasn't cracked a joke or said anything random like he normally did. Maybe his experience with the lake changed him.

"Don't worry, you'll find out after breakfast," Veda says. Huh. Part of me asks myself why she wasn't even fazed the slightest when Calix brought up the AMTA, yet Skytus didn't seem to want to even have it brought up. She wasn't a bit surprised whatsoever. I shrug to myself and think nothing of it. We finish our oatmeal in silence.

We walk as a large group to the AMTA, whatever it is. Dylis talks to Skytus, Ludo to Velotz, and Calix and Veda whisper things to each other while leading the way. Misto, Ajax, Melina, and I bring up the rear.

"What do you think it is?" Ajax asks, clearly excited.

"Who cares?" Misto says, hands stuffed in his pockets. "For all we know it could be some stupid shopping center or something."

"Orrrr, it could be some super awesome place like yesterday," Ajax replies.

"Everything seemed awesome to you yesterday, you got all drunk and stuff," Melina says. "It was that green stuff that girl told you to drink....and you only took one sip."

"Whaaaaaaat? I was not drunk. At least not that drunk."

"Oh really? Then how come you were pacing the room saying how much you loved bananas and worked a project diva outfit like a professional dancer for hours?" Misto says, smiling a bit for the first time in a while.

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