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"Lancelot you're finally here welcome to Camelot, I'm Gunievere." Robert heard a woman's voice and he slowly turned his head. She was about 5'7 and in her mid 40's, her rolled up sleeves revealed third degree burns.
"Wow I've been here what five minutes and I already have a fangirl." Robert said.
"I normally welcome a dry sense of humour but we have work to do." Gunivre said with a ice cold demeanour.
It doesn't look as bad as some of the foster homes he grew up in, but for a black ops sub division it's a mess.

He wondnderd what he's doing here, he promised his wife he was done with this life but here he is. Robert loved being a solider in the beginning, but with any job the longer you do it the more you think about what life would have been like if you chose another line of work. But Robert knew there was no other line of work, being a solider isn't just his job it's who he is and who he always will be.

He thought he could settle down, take a quiet desk job working for a private security contractor. But when Allister gave him the chance to be a solider again Robert couldn't say no.

"Lancelot my agent doesn't have much time left as it is so getting you outfitted is priority one." Gunivre said coldly
"Arthur said something about him wanting to avoid violence so what his story?" Robert asked
" He's a former SAS type like you, His name's Colin MacAleese ,Arthur said you did a few tours together." Gunievere said

"I saved his life once." Robert said with a hint of sadness.
"Anyway you are to call him Scrooge from now on, he was made about a week ago and they've been torturing him relentlessly for more information but thanks to you we know were he is." Gunievere said with optimism.
"I'll go get him." Robert said casually.
"What just like that, Sean has a small militia relatively speaking but In an enclosed space like a pub  you'd get turned into paste." Gunievere said just as coldly as ever.

"Look just make sure the Intel's good and I'll take care of the rest, tell you what if I get seriously injured I'll owe you a drink." Robert said confidently.
" I'll hold you to that ,here a sub-dermal radio." Gunievere handed Robert a syringe.
"What?" Robert said in complete confusion.
"They're just tiny nano-machines that you inject into bloodstream so we can track your every move ." Gunivere said casually.

"Well this isn't an invasion of privacy at all." Robert said sarcastically.
"Aww don't get your knickers in a twist, trust me we don't need the injection to track you it just makes it easier." Gunievere  said mockingly then Robert reluctantly injected the nano-machines in his arm.

"Merlin needs me ASAP so you might as well follow since he has your new gear and all." Gunivre said walking through the disorganised headquarters with Robert following her.

"So let me guess Merlin's just another tech genius." Robert said
"Not exactly,he's former military like you served in the REME corps I believe,so he's an expert in military hardware,but being a man In his mid 60's he's no expert with modern hacking software so that's what the younger agents in the Mage division are for." Gunievere said walking even faster.

"How come Camelot's filled with tech wizards,where are your agents?" Robert asked
"Well technically they're called Mages ,but yeah I see what you mean my agents or Rangers are stationed all over the world collecting Intel on potential targets,the only reason they'd come back here is if they fuck up,when you get the Knight division off the ground you can decide if you want your agents to come back here from time to time or not ." Gunivre said.

"Do you miss the field, being a division head has it's perks but nothing can replace the thrill." Robert said with a miniscule hint of sadness
"Sure,but We're the old guard we're no use in digital age and let's face it age has taken it's toll on both of us ,so if we can give the next generation a few pointers I guess were still serving our country..ah screw it I miss it more than anything." Gunivre said clenching her fist subtly
" Well I'm sure we'll get used to it, so I gotta ask how many Aston Martin's have you wrecked." Robert said jokingly
"Lost count at seven I'm afraid." Gunivre laughed as they entered Merlin's workshop

"Ah Gunivre, I see you brought me another Lancelot." Merlin said with an odd hint of enthusiasm. He was an old man but he looked very active he dressed quite casually for his age but his clothes were most certainly smart his red long sleeve shirt caught Robert's attention because he noticed  only one of the sleeves was filled with an arm. but he simply took it in his stride and Robert definitely respected that.

"Another? " Robert said calmly as a monk but he was slightly annoyed about being kept in the dark
"Arthur didn't tell you did he, well I suppose mentioning the death of seven operatives isn't exactly the best thing when approaching a new hire." Merlin chuckling whilst lighting a cigarette, though having one arm certainly  slowed him down.

"Ah Gunivre Arthur wanted you to take a look at this." Merlin said handing a secret dossier over to Gunivre.
" I have to go to India, I need to set up an intelligence network over there, to be honest I'd rather go into the field with you but duty calls" Gunivre said clearly disappointed she couldn't go out into the field one last time like Robert.

"Orders are orders, besides Arthur wouldn't send Lancelot on his own if he couldn't handle it." Merlin said whilst passing a high tech brief case to Robert.
"Take your pick , I assure you it's all the latest in clandestine warfare." Merlin said with an enthusiastic grin on his face.
"let's see, the P90 submachine gun with a modified grip and silencer, wait you didn't." Roberts's nostalgia for warfare turned to hatred when he saw a certain weapon modification.

"What is it?." Gunivre asked
"What twit put a fucking laser sight on this beauty?" Robert snarled
"It wasn't me I swear." Merlin said whilst looking at the laser sight in disgust.

"A bunch of freelance weapons engineers designed the standard Knight package, what's the big deal anyway?" Gunivre asked then Robert then inhaled and exhaled

"If I've been trained to use firearms why would I need that fucking glorified laser pointer to help me with aiming.Sure I'm getting old but I'm not that old, no offence." Robert turned to merlin
" Ah none taken,I'm sure your familiar with the other firearms in there, but this is the main attraction." Merlin said whilst enthusiastically picking up a rather ornate black umbrella with the chivalry logo etched into the handle.
"You're joking right." Robert smiled all of a sudden Gunivre pulled out a gun and fired three rounds, Merlin quickly put the umbrella up and the bullets bounced off like rain drops.

"...Well you lot don't half ass weapons demonstrations do yah." Robert said whilst admiring the umbrella.
"twist the handle." Gunivre said as she reloaded and holstered her gun.
Out of curiosity Robert did as she commanded and a serrated 10 inch blade popped out from the tip of the umbrella.
" Ah the Lance what a masterpiece, it's a shame you can't take it out on a sunny day." Merlin said and both he and Robert grind like kids in a candy store.

"Ah boys and their toys." Gunivre sighed as she took the dossier and left Merlin's workshop.

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