Chapter Ten ✓

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Chapter Ten:

(Edited by Danni-styles17. Thank you x)

Emberly's POV:

I knew something was off tonight, that's why I didn't wanted to go at all in the first place. How stupid of me to think nothing would happen tonight. From the moment he invited me I knew it. And yet I trusted him like a fool. I never ever felt so humiliated in my entire life. I agree I am not as rich as they were but that didn't mean they had to make me feel like trash.

'I had it coming.' I felt like laughing but ended up crying more.

I kicked an empty trash on the road furiously. I felt pathetic crying my eyes out for people like them. Ever since I left from there I kept thinking that why is god so kind to people like them? Why did he had to blessed them with so much money but didn't even bless them with a soul.

Am I that pathetic that they had to insult me?

Is my fault that I took this job to save my mom's life?

Or was it my fault to believe maybe he is different. I really thought maybe he is hiding himself from the others. Maybe he is not like how he seems. I cursed myself for falling for it.

My throat was hurting like hell. Boy, those were really hot and op top I had to be sensitive to spices. I vividly remember how he placed all the blame on me. How badly I wanted to ask him how is it my fault I can't speak Italian? Or when I was looking at the menu everyone kept on staring, waiting for me to be the reason for their amusement.

I admit I envied each and every one of them. They didn't have to go through half of things I went through. If I had money like them I wouldn't be so 'desperate' to work for him nor would I have an honour to meet them ever in my life.

A crash of thunder sent my heart pounding. Just great, can this night go any worse? I began to walk around faster, roaming empty streets not knowing where I am or where I need to go to get back to my house. I thought about calling Cherry and realised I don't even have a phone with me since he broke mine. Suddenly feeling scared and alone, I began to panic. The thundering was making me jump every two seconds. Just as I thought about the rain, it started drizzling; the smell of wet soil lingering as I hopelessly watched the storm progress aggressively.

I tried to look for a shed but failed miserably. I was about to cross the road when a black Lamborghini stopped right in front of me. I quickly jumped back on the curb and was about to give a piece of my mind to the reckless driver when I saw who it was.

There he was. The last person I ever wanted to see ever. He leaned forward from his seat and took a long look at me. He sighed deeply. He almost looked relieved.

Relief? Why would he be relieved?

"Emberly get in the car." Just like that he thinks he can order me.

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