Chapter 24

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To LB_bunny_. No one is more enthusiastic about this book than you. Thank you🤍


I look to my hands, still clutching the handle of the knife.

The knife protruding from my father's back.

He makes a choked sound, his knees hitting the ground with a thump. I drop to my knees beside him, my shaking hands covering my mouth as I watch the scene I created play out. I can't pause it, can't rewind in hopes of a different ending, so I just watch, helpless.

"I'm so sorry," I sob.

His eyes find mine, and to my utter horror, he smiles.

"I don't blame you, Little Flower. You only did what was right," he rasps, right before his body falls limp to the ground.

"Keep your hands away from her," Nixx growls, and I look up to find him right beside me, holding a sword ready to strike...

"Quint?" I gasp, throwing myself in between them. "Don't kill him! He was the one who helped me escape the rogue camp!"

Nixx's eyes narrow on Quint before he reluctantly lets his sword down.

His strong arms are around me a minute later, and I relax instantly into his warm embrace.

"I'm so sorry you had to do that," he whispers into my hair.

"Don't be." I give him a watery smile, it's edges shaking slightly. "My father made a choice."

Quint clears his throat, and I turn around to face him, my eyes fighting with my brain as I desperately try to avoid looking at the body a couple feet from us.

"On behalf of the rest of the rogues who survived today, we would like to thank you. Our pack owes you a favour, called in at any time of your choosing."

My eyes widen.

"You don't have to do that," I rush to say. "He was my responsibility. I-"

"No," Quint interrupts. "Our fathers are supposed to be caregivers, not responsibilities. You did what not many had the courage to even attempt, including myself, and for that I, and so many others, are forever grateful."

My chest feels tighter than a string in a game of tug of war as I put out my hand. Quint takes it, shaking on the favour they owe, and I smile at him as I let go.

"Are you the new Alpha?" I ask.

He looks around at the small group gathering behind him, the violence done now that the enemy dropped their weapons.

"It appears to be that way."

I beam proudly at him as I say, "You will make an excellent leader, and an outstanding dad."

He grins at me before bowing his head.

"Thank you," he looks behind him with a nod before adding, "We must go, but I hope we see each other again, Noella."

"I look forward to our next meeting, Quint."

He winks, and then wolves are in front of me, and I try not to gasp as they disappear in a matter of seconds.

"They never made killing blows," Nixx says softly, staring at the empty air the rogues occupied. "All of my men informed me that, unless given direct orders from Foxley, they only defended themselves."

I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my chin on his chest before saying, "Not all villains are terrible people. Some are just big old teddy bears."


"Twenty-four soldiers down and six badly injured," Tristan says, emotionless, like he's reading the morning paper, but I know every single soldier that suffered put a pierce in his chest, as it did mine.

"How's Rowan doing?" I ask.

I still can't believe he fell victim to Foxley's hand and nobody knew until he almost took his last breath. Rowan wouldn't be here right now if Kyler hadn't distracted Foxley.

"His oxygen levels came back up once Arlo did his thing. He's expected to be good as new by tomorrow."

I nod. "Good."

The door opens then, and I look to find my favourite person standing on the other end.

"Sorry to bother you," Noella starts. "but Arlo said that he needs you in the infirmary. Rowan is insisting on getting up."

I roll my eyes, but a smile makes it onto my face anyway.

I stand before saying, "Looks like tomorrow morning came early."

Tristan chuckles. "With Rowan, you never know."

2 weeks later.

"I don't think it's supposed to be this hard," I groan.

Nixx smirks, and I already know what he's going to say even be before he says, "That's what she said."

I glare. "You are a child, and I definitely think that is supposed to be hard."

He chokes, and I smirk.

Seconds later his arms are picking me up and swinging my body to the side.

"You little tease," he says with a laugh.

"Hey! You started it!"

My feet finally touch the ground again, and I turn around to punch him in the gut.

He's unfazed, of course. Even with my newborn wolf strength, I'm no match for him.

As it turns out, whatever my father had done to me just needed a few more days to activate fully, and now I can do everything a wolf can. Except, well, shift.

"It is very possible that you're only half wolf. Your mother was a human, so the odds of you being born a full werewolf are catastrophically low."

I sigh, blowing a loose curl out of my eyes in the process.

"You're right. I guess I'll have to settle for your wolf's back. He does give pretty good rides."

My eyes widen as I realize the trap I just set for myself, but instead of saying the words I expect, Nixx just smirks before saying, "I know someone who can do way better."

And then his lips are on mine.



And best of all?


His Little Human MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora