Chapter Twenty One

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Amidst the morning's tender serenade, the soft melodies of birds danced like whispered secrets, their delicate tunes gently weaving through the room. An artist's canvas of sunlight painted intricate patterns on the floor through the billowing, open curtains, a warm embrace of dawn's early light.

Yet, within this tableau, a voice emerged, a soft and comforting breeze that cut through the tranquility. "Ivy," it whispered with a tenderness that only a loved one could muster, "It's time to wake up." The voice seemed distant, almost like an echo from a distant reverie, beckoning me to awaken from the realm of dreams that still held me tightly.

And then, as if the universe itself conspired to draw me from my slumber, gentle hands found their way to my shoulders. A subtle tremor, a nudge from reality, "Ivy, darling," the voice called once more, this time with a touch more urgency, "It's eleven in the morning; it's time to wake up." The world outside beckoned, but the allure of dreams still lingered in the warmth of my cozy cocoon.

As I slowly ventured into consciousness, my eyelids reluctantly lifted, exposing my vision to an intrusive blaze of sunlight that felt like a dagger in my throbbing temple. Each beam of light seemed to conspire against my aching head.

"Five more minutes," I muttered in a plea for mercy, my voice a mix of discomfort and drowsiness. Clutching the blanket, I attempted to shield myself from the intrusive world beyond.

A sigh, laden with familiarity, swept through the room, carrying the voice that held my name – "Ivy." I knew it well, instantly recognizing the bearer of this voice, though my vision remained hazy.

I relented, tossing the blanket aside, and squinted through the searing brightness, revealing a face I hadn't expected to see. "Victoria?" I asked, my curiosity overriding the storm in my head.

With a soft, knowing chuckle, she replied, "The one and only. How are you feeling?"

My pounding headache momentarily forgotten, I was engulfed by a flood of questions and confusion. "What am I doing here?" I blurted out, dismissing her inquiry about my well-being as the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions took precedence.

Victoria gracefully extracted herself from our embrace, her silhouette weaving out of the bed's cocoon. As she moved away, the remnants of her warmth dissipated, surrendering me to the chilly embrace of the morning air.

The words she uttered hung in the room, a revelation that began as a whisper and gradually unfurled in the stillness. "You called me last night," she disclosed, her voice bearing the weight of that late-night intrusion.

Startled and perplexed, I snapped upright, as though the shock of her revelation could somehow jolt me into understanding. "I did what?" I exclaimed, the fog of sleep giving way to a disorienting reality.

With a weariness in her eyes, Victoria continued her morning rituals, briefly casting a glance over her shoulder as she ventured toward her closet. "You drunk called me," she explained, her words laced with a complex blend of annoyance and concern.

The room seemed to hold its breath as the weight of my actions sank in. "What?" I stammered, my disbelief mounting with each passing moment. "How late was that?"

Victoria, her brow furrowed, exhaled a sigh heavy with the weight of that restless night. "Three am," she disclosed, and in her answer, I found myself engulfed in the depths of regret and confusion, like a ship adrift in the tumultuous sea of my own actions.

Victoria's return to the room carried a weight of its own, her footsteps a gentle prelude to a series of actions that commanded my unwavering attention. Garments cascaded onto the bed, each falling like a subtle note in a serenade, orchestrating an intimate ballet of fabric and skin. Slowly, she raised her shirt, unveiling her stomach and the delicate contours of her breasts, like a masterpiece of art brought to life. Her pants followed, shedding layers until she stood before me, an embodiment of grace and allure.

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