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" so how was Emily? " Axel asked now that we were out of the house and in his car .

" she's fine , she said she's used to being denied  seeing dad already all that bothered her was how mom reacted that's all , she's probably just watching one of your videos now and living her best life " I replied as I stared out the window watching the gorgeous morning sky , the grass ,the trees , everything really, am a very , nature loving man .

" That's good , well , what about you , how are you feeling now ? " Axel asked with his usual concerned tone.

" Am fine " I replied turning to look at him with a faint smile on my face.

" Are you sure ? " Axel asked after a few seconds of silence that fell after my previous response.

" yeah , am fine now , it's true that mom had never acted like that , and that what happened was indeed weird, but , I mean -it's fine " I ranted, so much was going through my head and once again I felt like my head was stuffed to the brim with entangled thoughts were it reaches to a point where I can no longer decipher what exactly am thinking , Jumbled up thoughts , I hate it when it gets so complicated in my head .

" baby, you need to learn to speak up more , you realize that stuffing shit inside and not letting anything out is very unhealthy right ? you need to speak up , so that people could help you , I- could help you " Axel tried to explain.

" I wish I could but it's not just about being scared to speak up it's about not even knowing what to say , I don't know what is going in my own mind most of the time , it's like my brain is some type of projector thing that keeps on showing quick and small clips of a bunch of scenes , i barely have enough time to realize what I was thinking about before my mind shifts to another thing " I briefly explained

" have you maybe....... thought about seeking professional help ? " Axel asked hesitantly.

" you mean therapy? Oh hell no , my mom would freak out , she has this thing where she thinks we are the most perfect, happy family ever , no room for sadness and if you were to try and tell her that you were depressed she would just tell you to go on a walk or hang out with friends as if depression could somehow be cured by a quick walk in the park " I responded now turning to look back out of the window.

" the more that you tell me about your mother the more I feel weird, it's kind of like there's something I can't understand about her , and it's not the type of feeling you get when you meet someone you barely know anything about , no , it's more of an eery , sceptical kind of uneasy feeling " Axel voiced his thoughts.

" what do you mean ? " I asked.

" I just ....."

" hay how can I help you " said a female voice from the speaker in Starbucks' drive thru

" Oh , hay , can I get 2 cake pops, 1 matcha latte and ........ babe what do you want ? " Axel turned to ask me

" Can I get a blueberry muffin and oh , Emily wants a pink drink " I retorted.

" okay . Can I also get 1 blueberry muffin and a pink drink " Axel ordered

" what size sir ? " the girl asked .

" grande " Axel replied.

" will that be all for today ? " she asked, Axel turned to look at me as if silently asking me if I wanted anything else, I lightly shook my head and he responded with a " no that's all " then we proceeded in line .

" would you like for me to park somewhere so you'd enjoy your nice muffin while taking in some fresh air or would you like me to take you home so you'd enjoy it in peace " Axel asked as he sipped on his matcha latte while driving back , on the way to my house.

" I would usually go with the first option but since I've got Emily's drink and also I feel obligated to be by her side now I will have to reject that offer and go with the other " I replied.

Axel just gave a slight nod and kept on his way , the ride home was quite, no more talking about the incident of the day before or talking about feelings , just a peaceful ride the only thing making it not so peaceful is the radio playing in the background, some song was playing, a song I never heard but it felt very soothing.

" Babe we're here " Axel said as he shifted his gear into park and the car stoped moving completely.

" what the ...... when did I fall asleep? " I asked as I woke up realizing that I had fallen asleep.

" Am not sure when exactly but we were 10 minutes away from your place when I realized you had fallen asleep." Axel replied .

" oh yeah , thanks for driving, and for staying the night" I thanked him as I proceeded to remove my seatbelt .

" Zack you don't have to thank me , I enjoy being with you " Axel responded with a charming smile plastered on his face , how lucky am I to be this man's boyfriend.

I responded with a smile before leaning in to give him a peck on the lips then returned back to my old position.

" you call this a proper kiss " Axel asked with a raised brow then pulled me in for a heart warming kiss , a kiss that made me feel like I was melting.

His lips layed on mine , it felt so right and it felt like both of our lips were like two pieces of puzzle that fit so perfectly and smoothly.

Despite all the comfort and happiness I was feeling from that kiss I soon had to push him away so I could breath .

" ama walk you to your door " Axel announced as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

" you relieze you don't have to do all that right ? Just stay put I'll be fine walking 2 centimeters on my own " I said chuckling.

" nope , I took you right from your doorstep so it's only right that I leave you there " he responded before exiting the car and turning to the other side to open my door for me .

" am not your girlfriend, what are you going to do next , pop out a bouquet of red roses from the back seat " I said laughing at how he was treating me .

" you may not be my girlfriend but you are my boyfriend and hay , I could get you a bouquet of roses if you'd like , whatever my prince wants " he said as he bowed down in a royal type of way .

" yeah no thanks " I responded chuckling.

We were standing right Infront of the main door , saying our final good byes , acting like the cringe and cheesey couples you see in cringe tv shows when we heard a loud and horrifying scream , coming from my house.


I thought as I quickly turned to unlock the door as fast as I could and bursting in the house quickly running to her room thinking that someone had possibly broken in or something.

But to my surprise I didn't need to look around for long to find Emily who was now laying unconscious in the middle of our short hallway with my parents room wide open Infront of where her unconscious body was laying.

Thanks to the people who commented on here asking me to update and stuff , and also thanks to everyone who had been voting commenting and adding this story to there reading lists it really means a whole lot .

And obviously this won't be a normal update without the usual apologies so, am sorry for the delay in updates , I realize am trash you don't have to tell me Soo , yeah , enjoy 😁.

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